Charles Bernstein

The swerve of verse: Lucretius' 'Of Things' Nature' and the necessity of poetic form

The de-versification of Lucretius -- treating it as prose -- is an unintended theme of the most famous contemporary account of Of Things' Nature, Stephen Greenblatt's The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (2011). Greenblatt begins The Swerve with an account of his youthful discovery of Lucretius through Martin Ferguson Smith's excellent prose translation. Greenblatt pretty much sticks to citing this prose version throughout his book, despite his nod to Dryden as the best for conveying Lucretius's "ardor" and also noting that he consulted all the translations. 

'we have sold our proper heritage for a pot of message’: A note on Morris Croll

Morris Croll (1872–1947)

I am interested in the way Croll’s account of the anti-Ciceronian or Baroque prose can be related to critiques of the “plain style” of expository prose that took force in his time and remains powerful in some ideologies of “composition.” The contrast of “plain style” or tight/correct expository “sentence” is the “loose” period (aka “libertine” thought of Montaigne and Ralais).

Morris Croll (1872–1947)

I am interested in the way Croll’s account of the anti-Ciceronian or Baroque prose can be related to critiques of the “plain style” of expository prose that took force in his time and remains powerful in some ideologies of “composition.” The contrast of “plain style” or tight/correct expository “sentence” is the “loose” period (aka “libertine” thought of Montaigne and Ralais).

Polish Journal for American Studies on Innovation in American Poetry.

Kaper Bartczak and Małgorzata Myk edited this issue on American poetry for the Polish Journal of American Studies: Ashbery, Peter Gizzi, Eileen Myles, Susan Howe / David Grubbs, Schuyler, Rankine, Christian Bök, McCaffery. Full text here.

Richard Foreman: Videos and Films of Four Decades of His Theater

PennSound is happy to announce a major expansion of our Richard Foreman page edited by Jay Sanders. The page for Foreman, for me the greatest visionary theater director of the period, includes the full production films and videos of many of his productions.

>>>PennSound Foreman page

Foreword to Maxwell Clark's (((...)))

This is my foreword to Maxwell Clark's new book, published by ROOF and available from SPD.