Poem by Stephen Collis
Midway: A Requiem
after Chris Jordan’s photographs
Friend or flow bird brain
Container carcass joy not joined the
Thrump of dead sea gyser you?
Notepad limerick bean so
Nurdle up sea goo catastrophe yo
Strophed to death and damn proud of it
Like an oatmeal bowl the size of
Texas tea on the trolley and
Surplus in the bank so
Rank smelling soft tissues gone
Theatre of the synthetic core
Dreams torn open and they repealed that hmm?
They did notaries and no publics voted
Mongst rockeries garden gnomes and
The humpback swallowing six parts
Plastic to one part plankton
The birds’ hollow bones —
What’s inside them? Ideas of
Flight and Amelia Earhart seas
See? All the way to midway y’all
They were container ships in their bodies
Throat singing Aleutians or cosmic
Volcano crops asking wherefore
Stoppst thou chain and fractionates
Even water enclosed bottles bad?
No bottles to cap all the surface of
Lids and lighters unhand me loon!
The beach bends and shines elastic
In forensic light follicles and fume
Giant flame we melt the earth
And vacuum form its goo into
Better planets yo
Ochery? No
More ochery still
The colour drained from
Our faces in space
Mirror mirror on the water wall
Who sank us sank a seed in sound
Doffed at port or spilt
From rivers’ foul mouths
Out of the sea he came!
Turtle shell waxed and honed
To hump another planet over
The ridge’s loud bassoon
No ingredients? No problem
We’ll mold something sport or
Cambrian pool nurdles crop
Genetic nurdles sowed for corn
He was tyrannous strong
Opened one bottle
After another
Tossed lids
To lightning realms
Scoffed at wastes
Found other plants to his taste
Then nightingale harvests the
Low trough between waves
Pacifics of rage to bear the costs
Of voyage for the goop we spilt
Milking time a space for
Something not solid not liquid
Drops his name in a hat and
Wins millions don’t want it?
Toss it
Flame can’t burn
Sun don’t degrade
Lips it off like
Hey albatross fuck you!
So it ate the food it ne’er had ate
cap / cap / lighter / pen / cap / lighter / cap
Came to our hollo for
Food or play
And paid the debts we’d
Raised our roofs for
It’d been nicer just to have shot them
Slow cough and choke gag leach
Chemical starve or gizzard burst
No sweet bird did follow hollow
Coracle or foam
The links that bind
The links that break
No sweet bird
Painted that sea
Found itself a nest
Of plastics bodied forth
There is no climate
Or element
Without one or more
Capsized and damn
Proud of it
Paint poured down the sink
It’s what their parents fed them
They didn’t know
Sweet bird diving
Into a sea that was no sea
Petroleum and a Texas
Twice the size of the Pacific
It just took off
Like witch’s oils
Burnt green sea
Was a war / then a dump
Some in dreams assuréd were
Come back to haunt to haunt it still
Landfill planet for lease what’s next?
Sea fill
Put it in a baggie yo
Zip-lock minds at full distraction
And every tongue through utter drought
Was withered at its root
Sweet bird
Cargo hold
Seems we needed
Bodies to keep things in
Or hide them
Container ships to flight we flew
Out over denizen seas
Caprice? The colour was
What mattered
Micro or polymer
Clack of coin n’est pas?
Eureka from the
Tub of goo
Oil oil toil and trouble
A fountain of feathers
And coloured forms gathered
On sands 3,000 miles
From here
A region of forms
Going under
Dollar by dollar
Dense and desired
Sweet bird
Can’t train you
Can’t train ourselves
A speck
A mist
A shape
Same thing
We just bolt
What we find
Then pass it on
To our children
I see a sea at sunset sold
Fly fishing on TV
Gravol and hangovers
Pretends it’s estrogen funk
Strip flake flame
Keep ochre dawn bilge
Sweet bird
I see a sea of resins soft
Must it always be a lament?
Cawed on the gravel and was gone
Omnivorous or just a plastivore
I want to be happy too malleable
Islanded and shored up on my own
No man an island who cares yo?
No bird neither
No woman no home
Sweet bird
Canary mines or corpuscular cave at sea
[return to Pacific poetries feature]
Forms for an ocean
Edited by Susan M. Schultz