Drivers Dividers
D R I V E R S white of white line 10 to 6 shut off line this coach is TOLL MACHINE motors white restroom equipped while loading line for your convenience buses white cigarette smoking S A V E T I R E S line permitted Keep wheels on white unless prohibited Straight line un line by law til passing over white we’re getting treadle before line there you’re out of cutting left white drinking intoxicants P A S S E N G E R S line on coach prohibited are met in the white on the main waiting room line way U P S T A I R S white express lane SHELTER SHELTER SH line No Standing Back in U.S.S.R. white W. 41 St. chipped Martha, My line One Way Dear chipped, as if white Tow eaten line It is now 5:25 Away Departures … for … white Zone W O R K line Your Operator A R E A white Safe Reliable A H E A D line Courteous CHECK OUT Free Baggage white PAY here checking line LEFT THAN No Tipping Required white and buses only D.O.T. regulations line THIS LANE require passengers white Season’s to stand back line Greetings |
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House of Chrome line u u Mr. Milk tinted green white v v Keeps your car 50¢ makeup line w w on the go Atlantic cars only sleep white x x Cable TV HOBOKEN green line y y 12 channels THIS LANE sleep white z z Special Offer $6.25 green line Xmas Xmas placemats When you’re out of Holiday House white Count your LEE Schlitz line two lights are Change AS YOU the same two lights white Keep Right TRAVEL beer a a line Pass Left Only ASK US To a smoker b b white Here she said it’s a c c line her is a tube from one Ken d d white less cigar You to the PARK AVE. e e line know how she other UNION CITY f f white explained that but one a whole g g line one to me Its a is more new kind h h white cigar she said than the other of bag i i line that hasn’t got STOP LINE GIVE THE j j white anything left STOP LINE WASHED VODKA k k line to it de cinquante DONT 8:45 l l white LETOM cinq WALK Rose Garden m m line I cant swipe the I like your skirt n n white great American so do I o o line hunchback horses Get back your sash is p p white where you were before beautiful q q line The Rest RIDGE DODGE r r white Get Back Fiesta Banquet s s line LENOX—- Room t t white toll booth no. 1 |
Edited byMichael Ruby Sam Truitt