Room 45
To crack each of your doll faces
suck the sawdust out and chew into it real spit
is the madness of creation
the eye of a god
its eye rolls back in its god head then forward again to sight anyone at anytime
that was your mother sucked empty by what seemed to be only sunlight
crazy forever after
shed your clothes your skin right here on the BART car’s floor
do it right now in front of everyone and start your shape all over again
hold your two eyes in your hand hold them out the way the man is doing
with his upturned cap
he doesn’t even ask but everyone knows everything about what he needs
even the last afternoon shadows are pressing into each other to get out of his way
as he walks the length of the car
at the bottom of stairs that you aren’t even trying to reach
is a windowless room doing all of your watching for you
watching with all its walls what you can’t see
Edited by Laynie Browne