Tyranny Incantation Healing
Hound your hybrid vegetables
You have hurt me Hound your censoring of human love
I store this in my armbone Hound your elimination lullaby
You have hurt me
I store this in my chestbone But I am not at war with you.
You have hurt me My war
I store this in my neckbone is with your avarice
You have hurt me my war
I store this in my marrow bones. is with your hate
I have hurt you my war
you store this in your heartbone is with your wrath
I have hurt you
you store this in your belly bone and your wrath will not pull me down
I have hurt you
you store this in your mind bone because your wrath is not my sun
I have hurt you
you store this in your source bone your wrath is a black hole in your eye
in your being bone
at the base of your neckbone your wrath pulls bile into itself and
in your reptile mind bone
You have hurt my mind my sun is warm
my love organ my sun is beauty, diversity, poetry, and love.
You have hurt my brain
my eye organ My sun is love.
You have hurt my throat
my voice organ It is one among millions of suns,
You have hurt my cells
my breathing organ all sourced of the same light.
You have hurt my womb
my heart organ
And I hound you
Hound your missiles relentlessly bombing
Hound your tax cuts
Hound your poison policies
Hound your arctic drills
Hound your dead sea creatures
Hound your faith-based family planning
Hound your oil
Hound your white hooded support network
Hound your domestic terrorism white house