ModPo announces partnership with the New York Public Library

We are all looking forward to the start of ModPo 2014 on September 6. The site will open at 9 AM Philadelphia time. At that moment (and of course any time after) you’ll be able to go here
and click through to the actual ModPo site.
Meantime, I’m pleased to announce that I will be in Prague, Czech Republic, on Tuesday, October 14, to join a meet-up/gathering of any and all ModPo’ers in the area. We will gather at 7 PM Prague time. We are looking for a place to host the event. If you can help us, or know of a good place, please contact me.
Of course we encourage the formation of ModPo meet-ups – weekly, monthly, one-time, whatever. Once the course starts you can use the “Study Groups” discussion forum for organizing both virtual and face-to-face gatherings.
I’m writing today to announce that ModPo and the New York Public Library are collaborating to host a weekly meet-up every Thursday from 5:30-7 PM during ModPo’s 10-week session, starting on September 11. I myself will convene and moderate the first of the weekly NYC gatherings – September 11 at 5:30 PM. The group will meet every week at the Hudson Park Library located at 66 Leroy Street, New York, NY 10014. If you are in NYC or nearby, please plan to join us for each week or any week.
Many thanks to Luke Swarthout, Isaac Cameron & Miranda Murray of NYPL and our own Julia Bloch for working out this collaboration. We will announce further such collaborations in the future.
Below is a list of all the TAs and Community TAs (or CTAs) for ModPo 2014. The TAs are highlighted in bold. They will be joined, of course, by me, Julia Bloch, and our amazing IT guys, Chris Martin and Zach Carduner. What a team! We’re all glad you’ll be joining us. We are very grateful for the CTAs, who have volunteered their time and energy to make ModPo among the most interactive and responsive and humane MOOCs anywhere.
TAs (in bold) and CTAs for ModPo 2014
Lily Applebaum
Dennis Aguinaldo
Karren Alenier
Mary Armour
Sangeet Bird
David Blaine
Andrea Buonincontro
Ali Castleman
Mandana Chaffa
Ian Chowcat
Matthew Corey
Amaris Cuchanski
Laura Cushing
T. De Los Reyes
Jeremy Dixon
Marc Drexler
Kent Ekberg
Tamboura Gaskins
Dave Green
Emily Harnett
Mark Herron
Allan Keeton
Bob Keim
Robin Kello
Ray Maxwell
Max McKenna
Marcia Nuffer
Molly O'Neill
Paige Polcene
Therese Pope
Dave Poplar
Nicola Quinn
Christina Rau
Ingrid Ruthig
Mark Snyder
Massimo Soranzio
Bill Speer
Carol Stephen
Treva Stose
Anna Strong
Eric Alan Weinstein
Jason Zuzga