1974 Larry Eigner recordings

On July 1 and again on July 11 in 1974, Michael Koehler recorded Larry Eigner reading twenty-seven of his poems in Swampscott, Massachusetts. The recordings were later released by S Press, as tape number 37 in their series, under the title Larry Eigner: around new / sound daily / means: Selected Poems. A number of university libraries — and of course individuals — own copies of the recording; but it is fairly rare at this point. Among the libraries with a copy is the special collections archive at the University of Connecticut, where the tape was apparently part of the materials Cid Corman gave them to form the Corman Papers there. I located the Eigner recording in the Corman finding aid, asked the UConn librarians to copy it for us at PennSound. (Many thanks for Melissa Watterworth Batt, curator of Literary, Natural History and Rare Books Collections there.) Soon after, with permission from Richard Eigner, Larry's brother and the executor of the poet’s literary estate, we digitized, uploaded and then segmented the recording into individual poems. They are now available for both streaming and downloading at PennSound’s Eigner page. We wish of course to acknowledge S Press for having made this recording available originally.
- Dying (0:38): MP3
- A Structured Field (0:11): MP3
- A Temporary Language (0:20): MP3
- Love Children (0:09): MP3
- Magnetic Lines (0:11): MP3
- Common Sense (0:32): MP3
- Tolstoi's Kept On (0:28): MP3
- To Negotiate (0:13): MP3
- Music is Human (0:19): MP3
- Unyielding Rock (0:37): MP3
- Paper (0:32): MP3
- The Sky (0:15): MP3
- Snow Flakes (0:26): MP3
- Trees Stand (0:22): MP3
- Time Flies (0:06): MP3
- Birds (0:33): MP3
- How Much a Squirrel (0:37): MP3
- The Sun Goes (0:17): MP3
- The Cat's Ears (0:27): MP3
- You Gotta Have Steam (0:38): MP3
- At Death Olson's (1:31): MP3
- Tribute to Cage (1:25): MP3
- Around the Frames (0:15): MP3
- Open Road (0:12): MP3
- Enough New (0:11): MP3
- Contact Communication (0:12): MP3
- Everybody Dies (0:04): MP3