PennSound podcasts

Larry Price

PennSound Podcast #78

In this episode, poet Larry Price joins Al Filreis and William Fuller for an interview in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House to discuss his new book 1/0 (“one over zero”), as well as some of his earlier work.

Evie Shockley

PennSound Podcast #77

Evie Shockley reading at the Kelly Writers House

In this PennSound podcast, poet Evie Shockley sits down in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House for an interview about her work with Al Filreis, Tyrone Williams, Aldon Nielson, and William J. Harris. 

Sally Van Doren

PennSound Podcast #76

Photo of Sally Van Doren reading at the Kelly Writers House
Photo of Sally Van Doren reading at the Kelly Writers House

In this PennSound podcast, Sally Van Doren joins Al Filreis in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House for a discussion of her newest book, Sibilance (LSU Press, 2023)Van Doren reads aloud from her work, and the two discuss the practices of visual art and asemic writing that structure her life as an artist and inform her approach to poetry. 

Willard Spiegelman

PennSound Podcast #75

Photo of Willard Spiegelman by Al Filreis.
Photo of Willard Spiegelman by Al Filreis.

In this PennSound podcast, Willard Spiegelman sits down with Al Filreis at the Kelly Writers House’s Wexler Studio for a discussion on the underappreciated 20th century poet Amy Clampitt. The duo embark on a long exploration of Spiegelman’s biography on Clampitt, Nothing Stays Put: The Life and Poetry of Amy Clampitt (Deckle Edge, 2023).

Gail Scott and Christy Davids

PennSound Podcast #74

In this PennSound podcast, Christy Davids talks with Montréal writer Gail Scott about her recent release Permanent Revolution (Book*hug Press, 2021), a compilation of new and revised essays, including work that originally appeared in Scott’s foundational feminist text, Spaces Like Stairs (Women’s Press, 1996).