Jacket2's January 2018 reading period

Photo by Amanda Silberling.
Photo by Amanda Silberling.

Jacket2 welcomes unsolicited queries during the month of January 2018. We are especially (though not exclusively) interested in queries of the following kinds:

— Reviews of recent poetics criticism and theory

— Reviews of recent anthologies of poetry, poetics, and criticism

— Reviews and articles devoted to poets and poetries outside the US

— Reviews, articles, or essays that put texts, authors, movements in conversation

— Coauthored reviews or essays

— Articles, essays, or features on the ephemeral, the local, or the emergent; on poetic movements, topics, or groups, rather than single authors

— Articles and features that make use of archival and multimedia materials

— Proposals of media and media commentary: podcast series, archival reissues and commentary, criticism of sound files, and the like

— Submissions to our upcoming “Extreme Texts” feature

We are accepting both queries and completed submissions. Submit your materials via email to info@jacket2.org.