O Books, 1988–2009 (ed. Leslie Scalapino et al.)

Breaking with standard Reissues format, this release celebrates an extraordinary set of editorial projects by a single editor over three related initiatives. Spanning twenty-one years from 1988 until 2009, Leslie Scalapino produced four O Books Anthologies, a single-issue magazine coedited with Rick London called enough, and a four-issue run of a magazine called War and Peace (coedited with Judith Goldman for issues 2–4). From O/One: An Anthology’s focus on “writing that questions and transgresses genre lines between forms of poetic and critical discourse” to the final issue of War and Peace, Scalapino’s editorial project continuously blurs categorical lines while challenging dominant discourses in both politics and poetics. Each collection gathers what Bernadette Mayer might call a “plural dream of social life.”
Each publication takes a particular focus or theme as its organizing principle. These include: O/One: An Anthology, O/Two: what is inside? what is outside?, O/Three: War, O/Four: Subliminal Time, enough, War & Peace, War & Peace 2: Poetry & Essays, War & Peace 3: The Future, and War & Peace 4: Vision & Text.
Tracking these publications, an editorial through-line emerges: a focused bead on poetry’s capacity to speak to the politics of the present. War is ever-present in these pages. From the Gulf War to the post-9/11 global war that continues to this day, the on-the-ground responses of poets in these collections presciently address our ongoing situation. Proper names may have changed, but the news stays new. To read these pages is to see differently. As Scalapino contends in enough: “Seeing what’s happening is a form of change.”
Full issues are available for download or browsing below. The index to each issue attempts to retain the formatting of the contents as printed in the magazine, including original pagination. Each PDF is fully searchable and bookmarked for easy navigation to individual pieces within the magazine.
O/One: An Anthology, edited by Leslie Scalapino (1988) [PDF, 4 MB]
Leslie Scalapino |
About O One |
p.7 |
Larry Eigner |
Anything On Its Side |
p.13 |
Benjamin Hollander |
Commentary of the False Numbers—3, 4 |
p.49 |
Sequence Articulate |
p.51 |
Charles Bernstein |
“The Only World We’ve Got“ |
p.56 |
Alice Notley |
Parts of a Wedding |
p.59 |
Aaron Shurin |
City of Men |
p.99 |
From: Agora |
p.108 |
Jerry Ratch |
From: Plein-Air |
p.109 |
Alan Davies |
Cereal |
p.134 |
Leslie Scalapino |
leg |
p.137 |
Tom Raworth |
Jazz |
p.150 |
Rick London |
Dear Tom |
p.157 |
Nathaniel Mackey |
From: Sound and Sentiment, Sound and Symbol |
p.158 |
Robert Grenier |
Tongues of Angel Make/For Union With The Make |
p.163 |
Larry Kearney |
From: Intelligence |
p.165 |
Rick London |
3 |
p.168 |
Lyn Hejinian |
The Composition of the Cell |
p.170 |
Robert Grenier |
From: Phantom Anthems |
p.175 |
Michael Palmer |
Sun |
p.178 |
Norma Cole |
From: Little Songs of Médor |
p.181 |
Abigail Child |
A Motive for Mayhem |
p.185 |
O/Two An Anthology: what is the inside, what is the outside?, edited by Leslie Scalapino (1991) [PDF, 9 MB]
Carla Harryman | From: The Words | p.3 |
Leslie Scalapino | From 3 Parts of: Waking Life | p.15 |
Fanny Howe | Random and Finite Being: A Biography | p.33 |
Laura Moriarty | Spicer’s City | p.37 |
Lynne Dreyer | From: Easy Winners | p.44 |
Alan Davies | Panther | p.51 |
Gil Ott | From: The Whole Note | p.57 |
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Richard Tuttle | Hiddenness | p.61 |
Kit Robinson | Countermeditations | p.72 |
Cydney Chadwick | From: 3: Shape | p.77 |
Karen Kelly | The Interpretation of Dreams (Virtual Reality No. 1) | p.80 |
Geoffrey O’Brien | From: The Army | p.82 |
Bernadette Mayer | From: A Lecture at the Naropa Institute, 1989 | p.89 |
Clark Coolidge | From: Comes Through in the Call Hold (Improvisations on Cecil Taylor) | p.107 |
Victor Hernández Cruz | From: Three Movements | p.110 |
Anne Waldman | Go-Between Between | p.116 |
Bruce Andrews | Beyond Suture | p.123 |
Aaron Shurin | In the Flesh | p.129 |
Laura Feldman | From: Moving Carrier | p.134 |
Norma Cole | Anaphora | p.144 |
Tina Darragh | Adv. Fans | p.149 |
Harryette Mullen | From: Trimmings | p.152 |
Rae Armantrout | Confidential | p.154 |
Hannah Weiner | From: Control | p.157 |
Dennis Phillips | From: Etudes | p.166 |
Todd Baron | From: Index | p.167 |
Suzi Roberts | From: Sound Sonnets | p.168 |
Beverly Dahlen | Three Untitled Poems | p.169 |
Sally Doyle | Shepherding | p.171 |
Jessica Grim | A Short History of the Western World | p.173 |
Steven Benson | Lese Majesty, or “Leave Me Alone” | p.174 |
O/Three: War, edited by Leslie Scalapino (1993) [PDF, 4 MB]

Jerry Estrin | From: Rome, A Mobile Home | p.3 |
Alan Davies | Bush Whacked | p.11 |
Fanny Howe | Tis of Thee | p.17 |
Leslie Scalapino | From: Waking Life | p.20 |
Laura Moriarty | Five Poems | p.24 |
Norma Cole | From: Saturn | p.29 |
O/Four: Subliminal Time, edited by Leslie Scalapino (1993) [PDF, 7 MB]
Laynie Browne | Sending the Lake | p.5 |
Lizbeth Keiley | Her Stranger in Exile | p.12 |
Aaron Shurin | Human Immune | p.15 |
Jena Osman | Five Poems | p.19 |
Laura Moriarty | From: Cunning: Ned Bright | p.29 |
Susan Howe | Extracts from Melville’s Marginalia | p.32 |
A.A. Hedge Coke | Pine Ridger with a Lambourghini Dream | p.35 |
Robert Grenier | Hot Afternoons Have Been in Bolinas | p.45 |
Norma Cole | From: Rosetta | p.56 |
George Albon | From: Cosmophagy | p.65 |
Jerry Estrin | From: Rome, A Mobile Home | p.66 |
Randall Potts | Abandon | p.70 |
John D. Greb | Poems | p.72 |
Carla Harryman and Lyn Hejinian | A Comment on The Wide Road for O | p.83 |
Lori Lubeski | From: Sweet land of (fabric) woven | p.91 |
Milton Apache | Cabal Devours Kisses | p.97 |
Eileen Myles | The Poet in the World | p.98 |
enough, edited by Leslie Scalapino & Rick London (2003) [PDF, 10 MB]
Michael McClure | Black Dahlia; Madame Secretary; Souls | p.5 |
Sasha Steensen | This Land; From Spatial Spectacles | p.8 |
Alice Notley | Back; Destroy; How the Dead May Operate from Negative Space | p.10 |
Mahmoud Darwish | from A State of Siege; from Memory for Forgetfulness | p.14 |
Ibrahim Muhawi | Bad Moon Rising | p.19 |
Pierre Joris | 9/11/01 | p.22 |
Nasri Hajjaj | A Hungry Orange, Mr. Dheeb al-Rifa’i, Psychotherapy, The Man Who Devoured Himself, Laila’s Face, Honey Fig, Hebron (AI-Khalil), Three Cows in Hamra Street | p.23 |
Eileen Myles | The Sweet Pain of It | p.26 |
Leslie Scalapino | Flower, Pal Comic Book; Pal Mal Comic, Or; Slaves’ outside evening or evening, Pal Mal Comic | p.28 |
Rick London | Coming down; Folk Form; Performance Sequence | p.32 |
Heather Fuller | Multiple-theater; Comic; Day Labor | p.35 |
Ronny Someck | Transparent | p.38 |
Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Extasis | p.38 |
Nathaniel Mackey | Song of the Andoumboulou 58 | p.39 |
Jalal Toufic | The Emperor’s New Costume, Or the Case of the Missing Mask | p.43 |
Alan Davies | from Pain | p.48 |
Will Alexander | from Concerning The Henbane Bird | p.51 |
Lyn Hejinian | from The Fatalist | p.55 |
Larry Kearney | The Man with His Kids on a Table | p.57 |
Anselm Berrigan | Selected Poses: Drugged and Hooded into a Prose Poem; Anti-preening Poem | p.61 |
Philip Whalen | Silence in the Middle of Traffic | p.62 |
Jen Hofer | Of Death, Days, Futures, Nations; Tactics; Of Death, Days, Futures, Nations; Tactics; Of Death, Days, Futures, Nations | p.63 |
Sarah Menefee | 30-Sep | p.67 |
Abdel Kader El Janabi | Against Ibn Arabi; If Only the Horse was Left to its Solitude; Ink | p.74 |
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge | Safety | p.76 |
Charles Bernstein | Let’s Just Say | p.76 |
Beau Beausoleil | Wearing; This Gate; Traces | p.78 |
Lisa Jarnot | Swamp Formalism; My Terrorist Notebook; The United States of America | p.80 |
Judith Goldman | The Real Devotion of Events | p.81 |
Pat Reed | September 11; September 18 | p.88 |
Ed Roberson | The Counsel of Birds; The Answers; Memorium | p.89 |
Joanne Kyger | Deeply Immoral, Arrogant and Ignorant | p.92 |
Murilo Mendes | from Chaos’s Window (1, 5, 7, 8, 11); Graffito in Maknes; Christmas 1961 | p.93 |
Tina Darragh & P. Inman | number to number | p.96 |
Tom Raworth | Ozymandias | p.97 |
Michael Rothenberg | Apocalyptic Yearnings/October 2-7. 2001 | p.98 |
Jena Osman | Dropping Leaflets | p.100 |
Rochelle Mass | No Surprises | p.101 |
Ibrahim Nasrallah | from Salvos of Mercy, Bewildered; Race; Friendship; Days; Facts; Freedom; Endings; Death; Childhood; Dust 1; Dust 2; Dust 3; Dust 4, Homeland, Fidelity; from Mirrors, Excess, Loneliness I, Loneliness 2. | p.102 |
Benjamin Friedlander | Dick Cheney’s Heart; State of the Union; The L.B.J. Tapes | p.106 |
Harryette Mullen | Land of the Discount Prices, Home of the Brand Name | p.108 |
Rod Smith | Ted’s Head | p.109 |
Norman Fischer | The Violence of Oneness | p.110 |
Christine Monhollen | White Trace Close | p.113 |
Fanny Howe | Little Wrongs; White Lines | p.114 |
Diane Di Prima | Hebron; Les Americains; Notes Toward a Poem of Revolution | p.121 |
David Buuck | from Stanzas in Mediation | p.126 |
Etel Adnan | Maïakovsky | p.131 |
Bill Berkson | Bridge, Gloria | p.137 |
Craig Watson | from Home Guard | p.138 |
Jackson Mac Low | Central America | p.139 |
Ted Pearson | Sound Check | p.143 |
Jennifer Scappettone | From Consensus Series | p.145 |
Elizabeth Robinson | From The Undoing (i, ii, iii, iv, v) | p.146 |
Sargon Boulus | Entries for a Possible Poem | p.150 |
Beth Baruch Joselow | We Startle Things | p.152 |
Anne Waldman | From Worry Yr Logos Conversant You Speak to the Dead | p.154 |
Robert Grenier | Autumn Moon Rising | p.155 |
Notes on Contributors | p.156 |
War & Peace, edited by Leslie Scalapino (2004) [PDF, 8 MB]
Judith Goldman | case senSitive | p.7 |
Juliana Spahr | March 27 and 30, 2003 | p.28 |
Etel Adnan | To Keep a Diary in a Time of War | p.31 |
Leslie Scalapino | from “Can’t” is “Night” | p.37 |
Rob Holloway | Two Poems | p.41 |
Anselm Berrigan | Postcard to Brett Evans | p.43 |
Jackson Mac Low | They’re Ruthless and They’re Inept. | p.48 |
Alan Davies | Bad Dad | p.54 |
Kiki Smith | Two Drawings | p.65 |
Taylor Brady | from Production Notes for Occupation: Shot List | p.69 |
Simone Fattal | Untitled Sculpture | p.72 |
kari edwards | oddly shaped four times | p.73 |
Norma Cole | from new notebook | p.74 |
Anne Waldman | from Beat Roots | p.78 |
Rodrigo Toscano | dream-construct of a dream constructed | p.79 |
Paolo Javier | To Wreck Irak | p.87 |
Fanny Howe | Vigilence | p.91 |
Stephen Ratcliffe | from Cloud / Ridge | p.95 |
Robert Grenier | Rain and It Rains | p.97 |
Lissa Wolsak | from A Defence of Being | p.102 |
Alice Notley | Three Poems | p.105 |
War & Peace 2: Poetry & Essays, edited by Judith Goldman & Leslie Scalapino (2005) [PDF, 6 MB]
Laura Elrick | from Fantasies in Permeable Structures | p.7 |
Laynie Browne | from The Desires of Letters | p.11 |
from Daily Sonnets | p.14 | |
Brandon Brown | from E PODES | p.15 |
Steve Benson | “NOVEMBER in December” | p.17 |
Chris Vitiello | “Irresponsibility” | p.25 |
Aaron Kunin | from “Five Security Zones” | p.27 |
Tina Darragh | “(dis-pose)–>ABLE creatures” | p.28 |
Laura Moriarty | from “Departures 1-11/War in Heaven” | p.30 |
Jen Hofer | “less then more then less again then (then again) none/not one (the absence of (necessary) silence)” | p.34 |
Jerome Rothenberg | “A Clear Astonishment” | p.36 |
Geoffrey O’Brien | “They met only in the evening” | p.37 |
Dolores Dorantes | from “September for Jen,” translated by Jen Hofer | p.38 |
Stacy Doris | “Time’s a free illusion” | p.43 |
Robert Creeley and Francesco Clemente | from Tandoori Satori and Commonplace | p.45 |
Poetry in a Time of Crisis: Is Poetry Enough? | ||
University of California, Santa Cruz, April 2004 | p.49 | |
TALKS | ||
Leslie Scalapino | “Writing Being/An Event” | p.50 |
Joanne Kyger | “Poetry in Time of Crisis” | p.53 |
Jen Scappettone | “Poetry, Intelligence, and the Temporality of Crisis” | p.56 |
Judith Goldman | “Representing the Global War on Terror” | p.60 |
Taylor Brady | “They Store It Up (slight return): Notes around Lines by George Oppen” | p.62 |
Leslie Scalapino | From ‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’ | p.64 |
Joanne Kyger | “The Distressed Look” and “‘Not In Our Name’” | p.68 |
Jen Scappettone | Four Poems | p.70 |
Judith Goldman | from “FatBoy/DeathStar/Ricochet” | p.73 |
Taylor Brady | “The Crawl” | p.78 |
Mark Wallace | from The Long Republican Winter | p.85 |
Tracy Grinnell and Paul Foster Johnson | from Quadriga | p.87 |
Roxi Hamilton | “‘Naturally one does not know how it happened’” | p.90 |
Stephen Ratcliffe | from Human/Nature | p.92 |
Jocelyn Saidenberg | “Rummy, Or, A Poem Beginning with a Line from the Defense Secretary” | p.93 |
Rae Armantrout | Three Poems | p.94 |
Alicia Cohn | “Wolf and the White Rag” | p.97 |
Michael Davidson | “The Crawl” | p.99 |
Tyrone Williams | Two Poems | p.103 |
Michael McClure | Two Poems | p.104 |
Yedda Morrison | from Girl Scout Nation | p.106 |
Ibrahim Nasrallah | “The Fox’s Scandal,” translated by Rick London and Omnia Amin | p.107 |
War & Peace 3: The Future, edited by Judith Goldman & Leslie Scalapino (2007) [PDF, 6 MB]
Evelyn Reilly | Variations on a Sentence by Rosmarie Waldrop | p.1 |
Rob Halpern | More Theses, on the Remembrance of Things to Come | p.5 |
Jennifer Scappettone | The Republic of Exit 43 | p.8 |
Brenda lijima | Flight, Flight, from Remembering Animals | p.11 |
Thom Donovan | Into Bride (Army of Roses) | p.16 |
Leslie Scalapino | Dysmetria, from Floats Horse-floats or Horse-flows | p.24 |
Judith Goldman | Notes against the Form of Appearance | p.27 |
Stephanie Young | Chapter Seven: I Do What I Don’t Want to Do | p.34 |
Mary Burger | Look – Here Comes a Human | p.40 |
Rodrigo Toscano | Pig Angels of the Americlypse | p.42 |
Suzanne Stein | Allegory or the Triumph of Justice [The Future] | p.51 |
C. A. Conrad | we’re on the brink of UTTER befuddlement yellow hankie style • say it with grEEn paint for the comfort of healing their wounds | p.54 |
Jim Hartz | Fallujah • Future Museum • Vajradhatu | p.60 |
Michael McClure | from Swirling Asphalt | p.62 |
Michael Cross | Sacred | p.67 |
Robert Mittenthal | from Gibbons Tail | p.71 |
David Brazil | Angel, What | p.74 |
Dana Teen Lomax | Lullaby [“i am in no condition”] • Lullaby [“closer in comparative evolution”] • Lullaby [“cradling the bomb, nuptials written”] | p.82 |
Yuri Herrera | Aztlán, D. C. | p.84 |
Lauren Shufran | from resolve | p.87 |
Bruce Andrews | Yessified | p.95 |
Paolo Javier | from Lunatic | p.102 |
Susan Landers | Gluttons, Broken by Rain (Canto 6) • Every woman adores ousting a facist • Everything I Am Today Took Days to Drive the Noise Out • Vestibule to Hell (Canto 3), from Covers | p.107 |
Jen Hofer | from one | p.111 |
Lisa Jarnot | Will This Change | p.118 |
Fanny Howe | A Message • Metempsychosis | p.119 |
Brandon Brown | The Emperor Will Have Worn N(o)ew Clothes | p.122 |
Rae Armantrout | Running • On Your Way • Around | p.126 |
Lyn Hejinian | The Future | p.129 |
Elizabeth Treadwell Jackson | from Virginia or the mud-flap girl • Spring Chamber • 3rd Day of School • Goldenfish | p.133 |
Laynie Browne | from The Hidden Book of the Institute | p.135 |
Anne Waldman | RIGPA, from Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment, Iovis 3 | p.138 |
Anselm Hollo | Down in Flames, Up in Smoke | p.142 |
Stephen Ratcliffe | from Human / Nature | p.146 |
Tanesia Hale Jones | An Item • A Memorial • A Lover • A House • A Lover | p.148 |
Roberto Harrison | weapons concealed in the roof of her mouth | p.150 |
David Buuck | Imaging after Abu Ghraib | p.154 |
M. Mara Ann | from Containment Scenario: DisloInterMedTextldentCation: Horse Medicine | p.158 |
War & Peace 4: Vision & Text, edited by Judith Goldman & Leslie Scalapino (2009) [PDF, 14 MB]
Petah Coyne | Black Cloud • Note on the sculpture by Leslie Scalapino | p.1 |
Kiki Smith and Leslie Scalapino | from The Animal is in the World like Water in Water | p.2 |
Leslie Scalapino | Note on The Animal is in the World like Water in Water: The Division Between Fact and Experience | p.11 |
Abigail Child | from War Correspondence | p.13 |
Susan Bee and Charles Bernstein | Vision is question and response | p.20 |
Charles Bernstein | Today Is the Last Day of Your Life ‘til Now • If You Say Something, See Something | p.23 |
Amy Evans McClure and Michael McClure | An untitled collaboration | p.24 |
Marjorie Welish | Isle of the Signatories • In Situ | p.26 |
Marjorie Welish and Judith Goldman | Interview on “Isle of the Signatories” • Two images from Oaths? Questions? by Marjorie Welish and James Siena | p.33 |
Judith Goldman | But to me [redo] • Ad terminem | p.50 |
Lyn Hejinian | Nothing: A Silent Film | p.56 |
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Leslie Scalapino | Interview about Communicating with Plants | p.58 |
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge | from Glitter • from Slow Down Now • from Hello, the Roses | p.62 |
E. Tracy Grinnell | Vision(ary) as (re)ordering that’s creating our seeing • The Private World of Darkness • Hell and Lower Evil | p.64 |
Simone Fattal | Untitled • Note on the sculpture by Simone Fattal | p.69 |
Michael Cross | Pax | p.70 |
Denise Newman | Note on her collaboration with Gigi Janchang • from Future People | p.72 |
Gigi Janchang | Two photographs from Portraits: 2084 | p.73 |
Thom Donovan | Eight Poems | p.75 |
Etel Adnan | I have not “seen” war | p.80 |
Fanny Howe | Named | p.85 |
John Beer | Mary, Color Scientist • Descriptive Poem | p.86 |
Patrick Durgin | from Untitled Triptych | p.91 |
Jen Scappettone | Two Pop-Ups from Exit 43 | p.93 |
Jenny Boully | from The Body: An Essay | p.95 |
Jenny Boully and Lauren Shufran | Interview on The Body: An Essay | p.97 |
Liz Willis | Exquisite Replica | p.109 |
Brenda Iijima | Dictator of the lucky arm • Impulse or reversing | p.111 |
Alan Halsey | In White Writing: 42, 43, 46 | p.113 |
Stephen Ratcliffe | from Remarks on Color / (Sound) | p.116 |
Kim Rosenfield and Cheryl Donegan | One Real Good Tomorrow | p.117 |