Aufgabe, 2001–2014 (ed. E. Tracy Grinnell et al.)

The task of recounting the work of Aufgabe is formidable. Founding editor E. Tracy Grinnell initiated the magazine in the Bay Area in 1999. Over the next fifteen years, Aufgabe has featured seventy editors, roughly 700 writers, nearly 150 translators, and twenty artists from twenty-three countries. The magazine was uniformly released from 2001 until 2014 in perfect-bound 6" x 9" format with one thousand copies printed per issue. In each issue, Aufgabe “challenges static cultural modes of thinking and being” through a dense global network of innovative poetry and poetics.
From the first issue, the magazine forefronts the “the editorial art itself” with a selection of material text images of French publications selected by Norma Cole. Guest editors drive each issue of Aufgabe with focused selections of translations in a range of geographically oriented poetries, including: Norma Cole (France), Rosmarie Waldrop (Germany), Jen Hofer (Mexico), Sawako Nakayasu (Japan), Guy Bennett and Jalal El Hakmaoui (Morocco), Ray Bianchi (Brazil), Jennifer Scappettone (Italy), Matvei Yankelevich (Russia), Mark Tardi (Poland), Cole Swensen (France), Christian Nagler (El Salvador), Oana Avasilichioaei (Quebec), and Biswamit Dwibedy (India). In each of these selections the reader discovers new trajectories for poetry unbound from state and language.
In a recent retrospective interview on the magazine for Harriet, Grinnell characterizes the coelaboration of Aufgabe as “a space where I can hear the complexities of language against the distortions, hear different voices, and connect with a broader community of artists and writers in camaraderie.” These voices connect — and distort, resist, refuse — within a magazine featuring poetry in translation alongside innovative poetry and poetics, reviews, essays, and artworks in an elegant assemblage of global poetic experimentation.
Full issues are available for download or browsing below. The index to each issue attempts to retain the formatting of the contents as printed in the magazine, including original pagination. Each PDF is fully searchable and bookmarked for easy navigation to individual pieces within the magazine.
This reissue is edited by Danny Snelson with the gracious support of the Kelly Writers House and the generosity of Litmus Press.
Aufgabe 1, Summer 2001: Featuring “French Mags” guest edited by Norma Cole and a poetry section guest edited by Leslie Scalapino [PDF, 22 MB]
Feature guest edited by Norma Cole Covers and title pages from some of France’s poetry publications |
p.7 |
Poetry guest edited by Leslie Scalapino |
p.69 |
P. Inman | p.70 |
Miles Champion | p.75 |
Pierre Joris | p.80 |
Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge | p.84 |
Rod Smith | p.87 |
Lyn Hejinian & Leslie Scalapino | p.96 |
Ted Pearson | p.101 |
Heather Fuller | p.105 |
Jason Ellrott | p.110 |
Susan Bee & Charles Bernstein | p.116 |
Fanny Howe | p.119 |
Poetry | p.129 |
giovanni singleton, from American Letters | p.131 |
Mary Burger, Thin Straw That I Suck Life Through – episodes – 18–21 | p.137 |
Patrick Durgin, Three Poems | p.141 |
Avery Burns, from A Duelling Primer | p.144 |
Catherine Wagner, Boxes | p.150 |
Paul Foster Johnson, Two Poems | p.152 |
George Albon, The Exquisite Oscillations | p.155 |
Andrew Levy, from Paper Head Last Lyrics | p.159 |
Jean Day, from Romantic Fragments | p.165 |
Pamela Lu, from A List of Dreams | p.177 |
Elizabeth Treadwell, Two Poems | p.183 |
Standard Schaefer, from Nova Suite | p.183 |
Lytle Shaw, Two Poems | p.187 |
Jocelyn Saidenberg, other grounds | p.190 |
Rick Snyder, Two Poems | p.197 |
Elizabeth Robinson, Calliope | p.199 |
Jackson Mac Low, Two Poems | p.201 |
Will Alexander, from The Sri Lankan Loxodrome | p.205 |
Andrew Joron, Two Poems | p.214 |
Susan Gevirtz, Two Poems | p.218 |
Joseph Noble, from an ives set | p.224 |
Scott Inguito, 31 | p.227 |
Edmund Berrigan, Four Poems | p.232 |
Harryette Mullen, Two Poems | p.236 |
Emily Grossman, from A Diary | p.238 |
Jono Schneider, What it is to “Seem” | p.241 |
Laynie Browne, Lunations | p.242 |
Noah DeLissovoy, Notes for the Imagination 5 | p.245 |
Elizabeth Willis, from Sonnet | p.248 |
Essays / Notes / Talks | p.253 |
Elizabeth Treadwell, possibly or Colleen Maddingill & the history of error | p.255 |
George Alban, Be Very Careful of I Want to Be Told: Gertrude Stein as Teacher | p.258 |
Noah DeLissovoy, Notes for the Imagination 4 | p.261 |
Pamela Lu, Some Thoughts on Ethnicity & Language | p.264 |
Mary Burger, We Will Construct A Map of the World According to Some Specific But Arbitrary Conventions: A Publishers Recourse | p.266 |
Reviews | p.273 |
Susan Gevirtz, Belief's Afterimage — Three new books Barbara Guest | p.275 |
Andrew Joron, The Crisis of the Crystal — Clark Coolidge’s Crystal Text | p.282 |
Elizabeth Robinson, Three Reviews: The Spectral Angel by Gale Nelson, Anatomies by Dan Featherson, The Book of Tendons by Eleni Sikelianos | p.289 |
Brian Strang, Presence and Permeability — Kit Robinson’s “Democracy Boulevard” | p.293 |
Joseph Noble, A Language of the City — On two poems by George Oppen | p.297 |
Aufgabe 2, Spring 2002: Featuring German poetry in translation guest edited by Rosmarie Waldrop [PDF, 15 MB]
Editor’s Note | p.5 |
Erratum Note | p.7 |
Feature guest edited by Rosmarie Waldrop | p.9 |
Translations from the German by Rosmarie Waldrop and Andrew Joron | |
Carlfriedrich Claus, Attempt to Impregnate Affective Processes with Language-Thought: Subliminal Landscape | p.9 |
Michael Donhauser, Four Poems | p.13 |
Barbara Köhler, Seven Poems | p.16 |
Waltraud Seidlhofer, from Facade Texts | p.20 |
Ulf Stolterfoht, from Jargons IV | p.23 |
Gundi Feyrer, Sitting | p.30 |
Elke Erb, Twelve Poems | p.36 |
Dieter Gräf, Four Poems | p.44 |
Richard Anders, Four Poems and collage | p.47 |
Walter Thümler, Crumbs | p.52 |
Elfriede Czurda, Five Poems | p.55 |
Bruno Steiger, Three Poems | p.60 |
Birgit Kempker, from Mike and Jane | p.67 |
Poetry | p.71 |
Lisa Samuels, An American classic | p.73 |
Mark Tardi, from Euclid Shudders | p.76 |
Paul Foster Johnson, love letter to a critic | p.82 |
Hung Q. Tu, from Bananas or Brace Yourself | p.88 |
Cynthia Sailers, Three Poems | p.97 |
Amy Catanzano, from Document (Mending) | p.100 |
Guy Bennett, from 32 Places in Marseilles | p.103 |
Macgregor Card, from Souvenir Winner | p.107 |
Cole Swensen, Future White | p.111 |
Standard Schaefer, Socratic Monologues: Concerning Certain Dispensations | p.114 |
Nick Moudry, Two Poems | p.122 |
Marcelin Pleynet (trans. David Harrison Horton), from The Native Cave | p.124 |
Anett Jessop, Three Poems | p.127 |
Martha Ronk, Five Poems | p.130 |
Stephen Ratcliffe, from Portraits & Repetition | p.135 |
Heather Akerberg, Three Poems | p.140 |
Amy King, Three Poems | p.143 |
John Latta, Two Poems | p.146 |
Jason Lynn, Two Poems | p.150 |
Brandon Downing, from Lake Antiquiry | p.153 |
)ohnLowther, and they is called crimes against literature | p.157 |
Kari Edwards, Five Poems | p.160 |
Veronica Corpuz, Two Poems | p.165 |
Catherine Kasper, Two Poems | p.168 |
Sarah Mangold, Destinations | p.173 |
Kerri Sonnenberg, from Aspect Ratios | p.177 |
Patrick Durgin & Jen Hofer, from Routine Knew | p.185 |
Sawako Nakayasu, from so we have been given so we AND following, the true | p.188 |
Essays / Notes / Reviews | p.199 |
Sarah Mangold, Collage | p.201 |
Rick Snyder, Imaginary Essays | p.202 |
Nick Moudry, Two Reviews: Such Rich Hour by Cole Swensen, Self and Simulacra by Liz Waldner | p.209 |
Guy Bennett, Translation of Poetry | Poetry of Translation: Some Thoughts on Transpoiesis | p.213 |
Cole Swensen, Conference by Stacy Doris | p.220 |
Stephen Ratcliffe, A Note on Robert Duncan | p.222 |
Mark Tardi, The Chachie Investigations | p.226 |
)ohnLowther, Poetry Against Poems or, care contra form? doors against chairs? | p.235 |
Contributors’ Notes | p.239 |
Aufgabe 3, Fall 2003: Featuring Mexican poetry in translation guest edited by Jen Hofer [PDF, 16 MB]
Editor’s Note |
p.5 |
Feature guest edited by Jen Hofer, with images by Bibiana Padilla |
p.7 |
José Pérez-Espino |
p.9 |
Hoja Frugal |
p.33 |
Myriam Moscona |
p.66 |
Mexico City Literary Resources |
p.91 |
Poetry |
p.99 |
Lisa Pearson, Two Miniatures |
p.101 |
Craig Watson, from First Breath Last |
p.104 |
Ange Mlinko, Three Poems |
p.109 |
Dan Featherston, from United States |
p.113 |
Rodrigo Toscano, from “In-formational Forum Rousers-Arcing (Satire No. 4)” |
p.117 |
Lisa Lubasch, Three Poems |
p.126 |
Roger Farr, As it Were |
p.133 |
Stacy Szymaszek, from Pasolini Poems |
p.137 |
Rosmarie Waldrop, Enhanced Density |
p.140 |
Amanda Katz, Three Poems |
p.142 |
Thom Donovan and Kyle Schlesinger, from Mantle |
p.146 |
Ben Lerner, from The Lichtenberg Figures |
p.150 |
Michael Magee, Three Poems |
p.154 |
Dieter M. Gräf (trans. Andrew Shields), Three Poems |
p.157 |
Lance Phillips, De nobis fabula narratur |
p.160 |
Sarah Riggs, Naming, Aquatics of |
p.164 |
Stephen Potter, Four Fragments |
p.170 |
Michelle Naka Pierce, Two Poems |
p.174 |
Chris Pusateri, Kind Bouquet: A Love Poem |
p.176 |
Genya Turovskaya, Red Seaway |
p.178 |
Christopher Stackhouse, Six Haiku |
p.180 |
Jill Darling, from Solve For: 4 pieces |
p.182 |
kari edwards, short sorry |
p.186 |
Dana Ward, Three Poems |
p.188 |
Africa Wayne, Six Poems |
p.192 |
Barbara Maloutas, from Matins |
p.198 |
Michael Ives, from Plunged |
p.203 |
Candace Pirnak, Blind Spot |
p.205 |
Essays / Notes / Reviews |
p.213 |
Thorn Donovan and Kyle Schlesinger, Matter, Memory, Marker |
p.215 |
Andrew Joron and Patrick Pritchett, A Dialogue on Elizabeth Robinson’s Harrow |
p.220 |
Ange Mlinko, Paradise and the Shorter Poem |
p.228 |
K. Silem Mohammad, ms by Michael Magee |
p.230 |
Barbara Maloutas, Leaves: and their uses as nonsense |
p.233 |
Standard Schaefer, Small Mercies, New Sincerities: Spinoza in Her Youth, by Norma Cole and Sand by Dennis Phillips |
p.236 |
Jill Darling, Sets and Probabilities [Notation Remembered] |
p.245 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.251 |
Aufgabe 4, Fall 2004: Featuring Japanese poetry in translation guest edited by Sawako Nakayasu [PDF, 15 MB]
Feature guest edited by Sawako Nakayasu, with translations by Sawako Nakayasu, Hiroaki Sato, and Eric Selland |
p.5 |
Chika Sagawa, Poems |
p.9 |
Seiichi Nīkuni, Three Poems |
p.33 |
Chimako Tada, from A Woman of a Distant Country |
p.36 |
Taeko Tomioka, Two Poems |
p.39 |
Ayane Kawata, from Time of Sky |
p.41 |
Sumiko Yagawa, Etcetera Ode |
p.46 |
Takashi Hiraide, from For the Fighting Spirit of the Walnut |
p.48 |
Masato Inagawa, from Seal |
p.55 |
Ayane Kawata, from Castles in the Air — A Dream Journal |
p.57 |
Hirata Toshiko, Four Poems |
p.60 |
Hiromi Ito, Snow |
p.67 |
Kyong-Mi Park, Weather Patterns |
p.68 |
Poetry |
p.73 |
Africa Wayne, Three Poems |
p.75 |
kari edwards, from having been blue for charity |
p.78 |
Jennifer Scappettone, from Beauty is the New Absurdity |
p.84 |
Gustaf Sobin, Three Poems |
p.89 |
Trey Sager, Two Plus Two Makes Data |
p.93 |
E. Tracy Grinnell & Paul Foster Johnson, from Quadriga |
p.96 |
Laynie Browne, from The Scented Fox |
p.100 |
Drew Kunz, from A Lull of Margins |
p.105 |
John Sakkis, from Quotidian |
p.111 |
Dawn Michelle Baude, Two Poems |
p.116 |
Bob Harrison, from Counter Daemons — WYSIWYG |
p.122 |
Sarah Rosenthal, Two Poems |
p.133 |
Kate Colby; Pangaea Redivivus/Re[as]sembling Anastasia |
p.135 |
Elizabeth Marie Young, Two Poems |
p.139 |
Xue Di, Two Poems |
p.141 |
John Keene, Three Poems |
p.144 |
Chris Tysh, Viv’s vague à l’âme |
p.147 |
David Pavelich, from Ash |
p.150 |
Christine Hume, Static Portrait the Younger |
p.155 |
Timothy Shea, Above |
p.157 |
Jennifer K. Dick, Frequency |
p.161 |
Gian Lombardo, A’s Tale |
p.169 |
Susan Landers, The Suicides: Words & Blood |
p.170 |
Chris Martin, Three Poems |
p.173 |
Jill Magi, from Threads |
p.177 |
Bill Marsh, Two Poems |
p.181 |
Jeffrey Jullich, Throes |
p.183 |
Michelle Noteboom, Two Poems |
p.184 |
Scott Inguito, Three Poems |
p.186 |
Ted Mathys, from The Figure |
p.190 |
Mary Burger, Talking About the Universe as if It Existed |
p.194 |
Laura Mullen, (Undersong) The Distance (This) |
p.200 |
Essays / Notes / Reviews |
p.207 |
Christine Hume, The SonNETS of William Shakespeare by Jen Bervin |
p.209 |
Drew Kunz, in the process of writing — in arrangement: Laynie Browne’s Acts of Levitation |
p.211 |
Eric Selland, The Landscape of Identiry: Poetry and the Modern in Japan |
p.213 |
Sarah Rosenthal, from Artifice and Accident: An Interview with Stephen Ratcliffe |
p.218 |
Bill Marsh, An Aura of Occasion: The Poker, Submodern Fiction, and Antennae |
p.225 |
Laynie Browne, Poetics of Impending Loss, A Tale |
p.229 |
Chris Martin, Talking Dirty & Carried Away: kari edwards’ iduna |
p.235 |
Meadow Dibble-Dieng and Heidi Brevik, Beyond the Darkness: An Interview with Xue Di |
p.237 |
Brian Strang, Returning to Our Lesser Instincts: Craig Watson’s True News |
p.246 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.251 |
Aufgabe 5, Fall 2005: Featuring Moroccan poetry guest edited by Guy Bennett and Jalal El Hakmaoui [PDF, 12 MB]
Re and Not Re: an Editor’s Note |
p.7 |
Feature 19 Moroccan Poets guest edited by Jalal El Hakmaoui and Guy Bennett, with translations by Hassan Hilmy and Guy Bennett |
p.9 |
Mahmoud Abdelghani, Three Poems |
p.17 |
Mehdi Akhrif, from The Tomb of Helen |
p.20 |
Ahmed Barakat, Six Poems |
p.23 |
Ahmed Belbdaoui, Two Poems |
p.25 |
Rajae Benchemsi, from The Dead Never Die |
p.28 |
Mohammed Bentalha, Three Poems |
p.30 |
Omar Berrada, The Archangel’s Old Slippers |
p.34 |
Jalal El Hakmaoui, Two Poems |
p.36 |
Mohamed Hmoudane, from Incandescence |
p.39 |
Wafaa Lamrani, The Eighth Day |
p.42 |
Mohamed Loakira, from Even Burning My Lashes |
p.45 |
Rachida Madani, Untitled |
p.49 |
Zohra Mansouri, Two Poems |
p.51 |
Mohamed Meimouni, A Wisp of Smoke |
p.53 |
Hassan Najmi, Cold Sun |
p.55 |
Mostafa Nissabouri, from Daybreak |
p.56 |
Abdel-Illah Salhi, Two Poems |
p.58 |
Abdelkarim Tabbal, Three Poems |
p.60 |
Mubarak Wassat, Two Poems |
p.63 |
Special Section Re and Not Re “John Cage” |
p.67 |
Introduction by Richard K. Winslow |
p.69 |
Norman O. Brown, “John Cage” |
p.73 |
Elizabeth Willis, Art Against the State; Or What I Lived For |
p.95 |
Craig Watson, I Have Nothing to Say and I Am Saying It: Three Performances for John Cage |
p.98 |
Diane Ward, March 10, 2005 |
p.102 |
Rosmarie Waldrop, Music Is an Oversimplification of the Situation We’re In |
p.108 |
Anne Tardos, The Nature of This Lecture Is by John Beauty |
p.113 |
Mark Tardi, Partita |
p.118 |
Leslie Scalapino, from The Forest Is in the Euphrates River |
p.125 |
Trey Sager, Untitled Saryagraha Mesostic |
p.129 |
Joan Retallack, An Apollonian Dionysus and His Other |
p.132 |
Jed Rasula, Norman O. Brown/John Cage: A Necessary Confusion |
p.144 |
Ange Mlinko, Against Touching |
p.148 |
Andrew Joron, Brownian Motion, The Cage of |
p.150 |
Brenda Iijima, from Salient John Cage |
p.152 |
Susan Howe, Hermes |
p.158 |
Jen Hofer, there is no more — no less — there is always — more — no — or nothing more — nothing — or less and less — certain — dappled — biology falters — is dappled falling — more faltering |
p.160 |
E. Tracy Grinnell, Two Poems |
p.165 |
Clayton Eshleman, Headpiece Stuffed with Books |
p.170 |
Therese Bachand, bardo of the émigré soul |
p.178 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.190 |
Aufgabe 6, Spring 2007: Featuring Brazilian poetry in translation guest edited by Raymond L. Bianchi [PDF, 4 MB]
Editor’s Note |
p.7 |
Feature • guest edited by Raymond L. Bianchi, with translations by Raymond L. Bianchi, Odile Cisneros, Claudio Daniel, Cyana Leahy, James Mulholland, Claudia Roque Pinto, Akira Nishura & Steve Butterman, Idra Novey, and Virna Texeira |
p.9 |
Odile Cisneros, Novos Olhos sobre a Poesia: Brazilian Poetry Journals of the 21st Century |
p.13 |
Angelica Freitas, love (collage) |
p.23 |
Claudia Roque Pinto, Untitled |
p.24 |
Fabrico Carpinjar, Box of Shoes |
p.25 |
Laura Erber, Untitled |
p.27 |
Marcos Siscar, Two Poems |
p.28 |
Régis Bonvicino, Eight Poems |
p.30 |
Paulo Henriques Britto, Two Poems |
p.37 |
Glauco Mattoso, Sonnets |
p.40 |
Matias Mariani, Notes of Some Things in São Paulo |
p.46 |
Claudio Daniel, from Figuras Metálicas |
p.48 |
Virna Teixeira, Two Poems |
p.49 |
Sérgio Medeiros, Catarata: The Absurd Paranaeses |
p.51 |
Josely Vianna Baptista, Two Poems |
p.60 |
Affonso Ávila, Agelasto |
p.63 |
Laís Corrêia de Araújo, Two Poems |
p.64 |
Dora Ribero, Two Poems |
p.66 |
Maria Esther Maciel, Favorite Words |
p.68 |
Wilson Bueno, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter |
p.69 |
Augusto de Campos, Bestiary |
p.70 |
Poetry • edited by E. Tracy Grinnell & Paul Foster Johnson |
p.77 |
Rob Halpern, from Disaster Lyrics |
p.79 |
kari edwards, obedience 30–38 |
p.80 |
Sandra Miller, from Chora |
p.87 |
Drew Kunz, from Stage |
p.91 |
Bruce Covey, In the fine grain of this hour |
p.94 |
Christina Mengert, Suffer a Witch to Live |
p.95 |
Edric Mesmer, Three Poems |
p.100 |
Carrie Etter, Three Poems |
p.107 |
Marcello Frixione (trans. Joel Calahan & Joshua Adams), stations |
p.110 |
Virginie Poitrasson, (trans. Mathilde Simian & Virginie Poitrasson) from Shaded Series |
p.114 |
Robert Fernandez, from Ornithomancy |
p.115 |
Werner Dürrson (trans. Rosmarie Waldrop), The Bone Saw: Little Poetics of Translation |
p.118 |
Juliana Leslie, Two Poems |
p.125 |
Pontius Silas, First Battle of Thyreae |
p.127 |
Devon Wootten, Methodology |
p.130 |
Denise Nico Leto, Dice |
p.136 |
Michael Slosek, Two Poems |
p.140 |
gabrielle jesiolowski, Three Poems |
p.142 |
Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Poem |
p.144 |
Michael Farrell, Two Poems |
p.145 |
Steffi Drewes, Figure/Ground |
p.147 |
Evelyn Ibarra, Three Poems |
p.149 |
Max Winter, Essay on Ritual |
p.152 |
Shira Dentz, A Thin Green Line |
p.153 |
Lina Ramona Vitkauskas, Two Poems |
p.156 |
Rodney Koeneke, Neo Adapts Badly |
p.157 |
G. C. Waldrep, Ten Poems |
p.158 |
Elizabeth Robinson, Three Poems |
p.165 |
Albert Flynn DeSilver, from (a) chiasmus |
p.169 |
Erika Howsare, Three Poems |
p.175 |
Nico Vassilakis, Trowel: The Body Casket |
p.180 |
Beth Bretl, Casualty |
p.183 |
Rob Cook, Three Work Poems |
p.184 |
Matt Turner, Six Poems |
p.186 |
Sasha Steensen & Gordon Hadfield, from Correspondence |
p.189 |
Brandon Shimoda, from the Alps |
p.196 |
Trey Sager, The Brahmin’s Divorce |
p.201 |
Martha Oatis, tramá/nticos |
p.206 |
Julie Doxsee, To Be Opened After My Death |
p.214 |
Essays / Reviews • edited by Mark Tardi |
p.219 |
Kacper Bartczak, Not By Wonderment Alone: John Ashbery’s Influence on Bohdan |
Zadura |
p.223 |
Jen Tynes, Two Reviews |
p.235 |
Gabriel Gudding, Literary Narcissism and The Manufacture of Scandal |
p.242 |
Raymond L. Bianchi, Meteoric Flowers by Elizabeth Willis |
p.244 |
Devon Wootten, Practice, Restraint by Laura Sims |
p.246 |
Pontius Silas, It’s Raining Axolotls and Vinegarroons: Simone Muench’s Lampblack |
& Ash |
p.251 |
Rodney Koeneke, Three Micro-Reviews |
p.253 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.256 |
Aufgabe 7, 2008: Featuring Italian poetry in translation guest edited by Jennifer Scappettone [PDF, 7 MB]
Editors’ Note | Paul Foster Johnson, Julian T. Brolaski & E. Tracy Grinnell |
p.5 |
Feature | guest edited by Jennifer Scappettone |
p.15 |
Translations from the Italian by Patrick Barron, Carla Billitteri, Gherardo Bortolotti, Chiara Daino, Kathleen Fraser, Marco Giovenale, Stefania Heim, Peter Pihos, Jennifer Scappettone, and Pasquale Verdicchio |
Jennifer Scappettone, Foreword: Passi / between tongues / towards a poetics of research |
p.17 |
Emilio Villa, Figurative Content |
p.25 |
Amelia Rosselli, Four Poems |
p.35 |
Andrea Zanzotto, Two Poems |
p.43 |
Nanni Cagnone, Three Excerpts |
p.51 |
Milli Graffi, from Embargoed Voice |
p.61 |
Maria Attanasio, from Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds |
p.71 |
Giuliano Mesa, Triple Fugue |
p.75 |
Marco Giovenale, Body, chill, time, objects and/or World’s visibility and speakability in contemporary Italian poetry |
p.82 |
Andrea Raos, from The Migratory Bees |
p.87 |
Marco Giovenale, from The Exposed House |
p.97 |
Giovanna Frene, Two Excerpts |
p.107 |
Gherardo Bortolotti, from Traces |
p.115 |
Florinda Fusco, from The Book of Dark Madonnas |
p.123 |
Massimo Sannelli, NO MEN ON ME |
p.136 |
Marco Giovenale & Gherardo Bortolotti, Appendix: Three Paragraphs |
p.141 |
Poetry | edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Paul Foster Johnson & Julian T. Brolaski |
p.145 |
Evelyn Reilly, Rant |
p.147 |
Sébastien Smirou, My Laurent 1 — The Battles (Andrew Zawacki, trans.) |
p.155 |
erica kaufman, from censory impulse |
p.158 |
kari edwards, Two Poems |
p.164 |
Allison Cobb, Lament |
p.166 |
Sarah Mangold, Three Poems |
p.173 |
Aby Kaupang, Four Poems |
p.177 |
Jen Coleman, Two Poems |
p.181 |
Craig Cotter, Two Poems |
p.186 |
Amy King, Two Poems |
p.188 |
Cynthia Sailers, Two Poems |
p.191 |
Jennifer Chapis, Three Poems |
p.197 |
Matt Reeck, / kaeul eh shi / Coward Essay / Fall Poem |
p.199 |
Steve Light, from Against Middle Passages |
p.203 |
Lila Zemborain, from Mauve Sea-Orchids |
p.207 |
Biswamit Dwibedy, Four Poems |
p.209 |
Chris Pusateri, Two Poems |
p.213 |
Eléna Rivera, Poem With a Line Drawn Across the Body |
p.216 |
Lisa Samuels, Two Poems |
p.222 |
Kate Colby, from Unbecoming Behavior |
p.224 |
Joshua Corey, from Little Land Lyrics |
p.229 |
Mike Rancourt, image war |
p.233 |
Brandon Brown, Two Poems |
p.234 |
Kate Schapira, Two Poems |
p.236 |
Jen Tynes, Two Poems |
p.240 |
Marcella Durand, The Spatial Dimensions of Elephant Migrations |
p.243 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by Mark Tardi |
p.247 |
Lisa Samuels, Why I Hate Realism |
p.249 |
Nerys Williams, Jennifer Moxley’s ‘Deceitful Subjective’ |
p.252 |
Richard Owens, Hannah Weiner’s Open House |
p.255 |
Pia Tafdrup, from Medellín Illuminated: Poetry and War at the 14th Annual Poetry Festival (Kyle Semmel, trans.) |
p.258 |
Brian Whitener, Danielle Dutton’s Attempts at a Life |
p.267 |
Allison Cobb, Writing in a Time of War: The Example of Christine de Pizan |
p.269 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.277 |
Credits & Acknowledgements |
p.286 |
Aufgabe 8, 2009: Featuring Russian poetry & poetics in translation guest edited by Matvei Yankelvich [PDF, 6 MB]
Feature | Russian poetry & poetics guest edited by Matvei Yankelevich |
p.5 |
Translations from the Russian by Thomas Campbell, Thomas Epstein, Keith Gessen, Peter Golub, David Hock, Yuliya Idlis, Christopher Mattison, Max Nemtsov, Eugene Ostashevsky, Natasha Randall, Stephanie Sandler, Simona Schneider, Zachary Schomburg, and Matvei Yankelevich |
Elena Fanailova, Poem |
p.13 |
Dmitry Golynko, Essay & Poem |
p.19 |
Linor Goralik, Ten Poems |
p.30 |
Sergey Kruglov, Essay & Three Poems |
p.39 |
Dmitry Kuzmin, Five Poems |
p.46 |
Kirill Medvedev, Two Manifestos & Five Poems |
p.53 |
Anton Ochirov, Four Poems |
p.66 |
Andrey Sen-Senkov, Four Poems |
p.71 |
Aleksandr Skidan, Essay & Poem |
p.77 |
Maria Stepanova, Essay & Six Poems |
p.96 |
Dmitry Vodennikov, Essay & Two Poems |
p.105 |
Sergey Zavyalov, Essay & Two poems |
p.114 |
Igor Zhukov, Poem |
p.125 |
Tatiana Zima, Three Poems |
p.130 |
Olga Zondberg, Three Poems |
p.135 |
Poetry | edited by Julian T. Brolaski, E. Tracy Grinnell & Paul Foster Johnson with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathalie Stephens |
p.139 |
Diane Ward, Two Poems |
p.141 |
Kimberly Lyons, Three Poems |
p.154 |
François Turcot, Ten Times My Hand on the Table (Nathalie Stephens, trans.) |
p.157 |
Karen Weiser, Two Poems |
p.161 |
Ari Banias, Vacuum |
p.163 |
Alan Mills, TASTYSCRUMPTIOUSDELICIOUSANDDELECTABLE (Dolores Dorantes and Jen Hofer, trans.) |
p.164 |
Phil Cordelli, Feverfew |
p.170 |
Corina Copp, from Looking for the Object that Is Ballast in My Head |
p.173 |
Matt Reeck, Three Poems |
p.177 |
Nathan Austin, from in very Variant |
p.182 |
Elisabeth Whitehead, roads |
p.184 |
Akilah Oliver, from The Putterer’s Notebook: An Anti-Memoir |
p.185 |
Geoffrey Detrani, Two Poems |
p.192 |
Sarah Gridley, Two Poems |
p.194 |
Damaris Calderón, from Hard to Gnaw (Dolores Dorantes and Jen Hofer, trans.) |
p.196 |
Laura Sims, Four Poems |
p.204 |
Tyrone Williams, Three Poems |
p.209 |
Rachel Levitsky, Evidence or Sign |
p.213 |
Tim Peterson, Two Poems |
p.215 |
Xochiquetzal Candelaria, Memory From a Bone Sample |
p.217 |
Inti García, The Bougainvilleas (Román Luján and Brian Whitener, trans.) |
p.218 |
Paula Koneazny, Two Poems |
p.232 |
Eduardo Milán, from Book Title Here (Garrett Kalleberg and Laura Solórzano, trans.) |
p.234 |
Miles Champion, Where to Write |
p.238 |
Suzanne Jacob, The Seven Windows (Nathalie Stephens, trans.) |
p.242 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by Julian T. Brolaski |
p.247 |
Dana Ward, Singing in Cincinatti |
p.249 |
Jasper Bernes, The New Prehistory: Kevin Davies’ The Golden Age of Paraphernalia |
p.251 |
Nathalie Stephens (Nathanaël), Untitled |
p.258 |
Paolo Javier, Batman That One |
p.262 |
Catherine Mavrikakis, Virility, a Close Shave? (Nathalie Stephens, trans.) |
p.267 |
Alan Davies, Notes for erica While Reading Civilization Day and Censory Impulse |
p.272 |
Kimberly Lyons, Studying Studying Hunger |
p.276 |
Noah Eli Gordon, Review of The Cosmopolitan |
p.280 |
Trish Salah, After Cissexual Poetry: Thinking Trans Figures and Feminist Poetics Now |
p.282 |
Margaret Ronda, The Hunger Patient |
p.299 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.305 |
Aufgabe 9, 2010: Featuring Polish poetry & poetics in translation guest edited by Mark Tardi & an A Tonalist Set guest edited by Laura Moriarty [PDF, 10 MB]
Feature | Polish poetry & poetics guest edited by Mark Tardi |
p.7 |
Translations from the Polish by Kacper Bartczak, Miłosz Biedrzycki, Andrzej Busza, Bogdan Czaykowski, Rick Hiles, Katarzyna Jakubiak, Monica Kocot, Gabriel Gudding, Ela Kotowska, Rod Mengham, Katarzyna Szuster, Mark Tardi, Alissa Valles, Frank L. Vigoda, and Ilona Zineczko |
Mark Tardi, The Salt of Structure: Miron Białoszewski & the Future of Innovative Polish Poetry |
p.9 |
Gallery I: The Salt of Structure |
p.13 |
Miron Białoszewski, Five Poems |
p.14 |
Andrzej Sosnowski, Five Poems |
p.21 |
Przemysław Owczarek, Four Poems |
p.28 |
Ewa Chruściel, Five Poems |
p.32 |
Kacper Bartczak, The Polish Language in Extreme and Intermediary States of “Siulpet”: Miron Białoszewski’s Erroneous Emotions |
p.37 |
Gallery II: Erroneous Emotions |
p.49 |
Miron Białoszewski, Seven Poems |
p.50 |
Justyna Bargielska, Six Poems |
p.57 |
Miłosz Biedrzycki, Three Poems |
p.63 |
Katarzyna Szuster, Five Poems |
p.66 |
Gallery III: Were & Whir |
p.71 |
Miron Białoszewski, Nine Poems |
p.72 |
Monika Mosiewicz, Five Poems |
p.83 |
Kacper Bartczak, Four Poems |
p.87 |
Aneta Kamińska, Eight Poems |
p.91 |
Poetry | A Tonalist Set guest edited by Laura Moriarty |
p.99 |
Laura Moriarty, A Tonalist Set |
p.101 |
Rob Halpern, Nonsound, The Musical |
p.102 |
Patrick Durgin, More Familiars |
p.103 |
Norma Cole, from More Facts |
p.106 |
Andrew Joron, Thunk |
p.108 |
Brent Cunningham, from Journey to the Sun |
p.109 |
Alan Halsey, The Voyage of the Lizopard |
p.111 |
Tyrone Williams, See Above |
p.113 |
Scott Inguito, The Same Complaint |
p.115 |
Standard Schaefer, Repetition as War By Identity |
p.117 |
Taylor Brady, A Ruse of Rule |
p.118 |
Jocelyn Saidenberg, On Community: |
p.119 |
Myung Mi Kim, from Civil Bound |
p.122 |
Laura Moriarty, A Tonalist Coda |
p.124 |
Poetry | edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Paul Foster Johnson & Julian T. Brolaski with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathalie Stephens |
p.139 |
Anne Shaw, Bleat |
p.141 |
Julia Bloch, Two Poems |
p.142 |
Geoffrey Olsen, Waker Erasure |
p.144 |
Noah Eli Gordon, from The Source |
p.149 |
Elizabeth Zuba, Two Poems |
p.154 |
Filip Marinovich, Petasos |
p.156 |
Paolo Javier, from Lunatic, Act III |
p.158 |
Laura Elrick, from Slide’s Rush |
p.163 |
Dolores Dorantes and Rodrigo Flores, Intervene (Jen Hofer, trans.) |
p.168 |
C.J. Martin, from Wardrobe |
p.182 |
Rob Cook, Two Poems |
p.184 |
Nada Gordon, Six Poems |
p.188 |
Dustin Williamson, from Most Popular |
p.191 |
Linnea Ogden, Three Poems |
p.194 |
Vincent Katz, Liz Phair |
p.197 |
Kate Schapira, from Ethel’s Dream |
p.202 |
Michel van Schendel, from A thousand paces in the garden also go around the world (Nathalie Stephens, trans.) |
p.206 |
Martine Bellen, The Memory Group |
p.234 |
Edric Mesmer, A Discourse on Gender in Eden |
p.237 |
Jasmine Dreame Wagner, Champion Mill |
p.243 |
Craig Watson, Three Poems |
p.251 |
Tomaž Šalamun, Three Poems (Michael Thomas Taren and the author, trans.) |
p.253 |
Lee Norton, Two Poems |
p.256 |
Ellen Baxt, from Enumeration of colonies |
p.258 |
Stefani Barber, Two Poems |
p.260 |
Craig Cotter, Two Poems |
p.266 |
Cal Freeman, Two Poems |
p.269 |
Virginia Lucas, from Ah.Me.RICH.Ah: Your Exchange Value (Jen Hofer and Dolores Dorantes, trans.) |
p.272 |
Rick Snyder, Two Poems |
p.286 |
Guy Bennett, Eleven Self-Evident Poems |
p.289 |
Celina Su, Two Poems |
p.294 |
James Grinwis, Three Poems |
p.297 |
Michael Ives, from Floaters |
p.300 |
Stephanie Young, from Cleaning the House Workshop, or, No Intimacy Without Reciprocity |
p.306 |
Karen Garthe, Three Poems |
p.316 |
Cathy Eisenhower, from distance decay |
p.319 |
Essays, reviews, notes, prose | edited by Julian T. Brolaski, E. Tracy Grinnell & Paul Foster Johnson |
p.325 |
Eileen Myles, from The Inferno |
p.327 |
Dodie Bellamy, Notes for a San Diego Reader Profile on Eileen Myles That Was Never Written (September, 2006) |
p.331 |
CAConrad, (Soma)tic Poetry Exercises & Resulting Poems |
p.338 |
Craig Cotter, Notes from Awake |
p.345 |
Ouyang Yu, shi and fei |
p.349 |
Brenda Iijima, Animals Remake Animals – the Animal is Intra |
p.351 |
Andy Gricevich, Roberto Harrison’s Urracá |
p.365 |
Mina Pam Dick, Willie Monad |
p.371 |
Michael Cross, from Interview with Leslie Scalapino |
p.379 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.391 |
Aufgabe 10, 2011: Featuring French poetry & poetics in translation guest edited by Cole Swensen [PDF, 14 MB]
Errata | Michel van Schendel, Aufgabe # |
p.9 |
Feature | French poetry & poetics guest edited by Cole Swensen |
p.11 |
Translations from the French by Barbara Beck, Norma Cole, Jennifer K. Dick, Stacy Doris, Sylvain Gallais, Cynthia Hogue, Kevin Holden, Ellen Leblond-Schrader, Louise Loftus, Michelle Noteboom, Jean-Jacques Poucel, Eléna Rivera, Sarah Riggs, Lisa Robertson, Eleni Sikelianos, Cole Swensen, Keith Waldrop, Rosmarie Waldrop, Chet Wiener, Andrew Zawacki |
Cole Swensen, Dossier: Contemporary Poetry in France |
p.13 |
Oscarine Bosquet, from Present Participle |
p.17 |
Stéphane Bouquet, from A People |
p.21 |
Marie-Louise Chapelle, from mettre. |
p.25 |
Suzanne Doppelt, from Lazy Suzie |
p.30 |
Caroline Dubois, from How’s that I say not sleep |
p.35 |
Frédéric Forte, String Quartet Number 4 |
p.40 |
Isabelle Garron, from The Contemporary Step |
p.46 |
Éric Houser, from Perpetual Motion |
p.50 |
Virginie Lalucq & Jean-Luc Nancy, from Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem) |
p.54 |
David Lespiau, from Four Cut-Ups or The Case of the Restored Volume |
p.58 |
Sabine Macher, from Notebook a |
p.63 |
Vannina Maestri, from stop getting all excited |
p.67 |
Jérôme Mauche, from Discount Electuary |
p.72 |
Anne Parian, from Monospace |
p.76 |
Véronique Pittolo, from Infidelity is a Great Big Doll |
p.82 |
Virginie Poitrasson, from Always Keep a Magic Formula in Mind |
p.86 |
Pascal Poyet, Our Dispositions Take Themselves for Things |
p.90 |
Nathalie Quintane, from Grand Ensemble |
p.94 |
Sébastien Smirou, from See About |
p.98 |
Gwenaëlle Stubbe, from Salut, salut Marxus |
p.102 |
Éric Suchère, from Set, Winterwreck |
p.106 |
Bénédicte Vilgrain, from The Tibetan Grammar: Khà, Chapter three |
p.110 |
Poetry | edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Paul Foster Johnson & Julian T. Brolaski with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathanaël |
p.115 |
Etel Adnan, from FOG |
p.117 |
Susan Maxwell, Four Poems |
p.123 |
Paul Killebrew, Four Poems |
p.126 |
Lawrence Giffin, Three Poems |
p.130 |
Rocío Cerón, from America (Jen Hofer, trans.) |
p.136 |
Christopher Stackhouse, In Parts (a) to (g) |
p.146 |
David Wolach, from Hospitalogy |
p.153 |
Román Luján, Clusters (Brian Whitener, trans.) |
p.158 |
Alli Warren, Four Poems |
p.166 |
Catherine Meng, Three Poems |
p.171 |
Lauren Levin, Five Poems |
p.177 |
Paul Braffort, Two Poems (translations & transversions by Gabriela Jauregui & Amaranth Borsuk) |
p.180 |
René Lapierre, Treatise on Physics (Nathanaël, trans.) |
p.186 |
G. C. Waldrep, Two Poems |
p.200 |
Jill Magi, from Furlough |
p.203 |
Prageeta Sharma, Two Poems |
p.207 |
Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Three Poems |
p.209 |
Robert Glück, from I, Boombox |
p.212 |
Lauren Shufran, The Birds |
p.217 |
Mathew Timmons, from Sound Noise |
p.221 |
Reynaldo Jiménez, from 600 Doors (Carlos Lara, trans.) |
p.224 |
Stephanie Gray, Four Poems |
p.232 |
Harold Abramowitz, Salf |
p.235 |
Brian Laidlaw, Two Poems |
p.238 |
Joan Retallack, from The Bosch Bookshelf |
p.240 |
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Draft 107: Meant to Say |
p.244 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by Julian T. Brolaski & Paul Foster Johnson |
p.251 |
Erin Morrill, Protophelia; Codaphelia |
p.253 |
Johanna Drucker, notes on Notes on Conceptualisms |
p.257 |
Amaranth Borsuk & Gabriela Jauregui, Transverting the Bestiary |
p.262 |
Pierre Joris, from Meditations on the Stations of Mansur Al-Hallaj |
p.266 |
Paul Killebrew, Lewis Freedman’s Catfish Po’ Boys |
p.269 |
Jill Magi, Make Home Rule: A Response to Carole Maso’s “Break Every Rule” |
p.272 |
Robert Glück, CUNY Talk: Uncertain Reading |
p.277 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.283 |
About the Artwork |
p.294 |
Aufgabe 11, 2012: Featuring Salvadoran poetry guest edited by Christian Nagler [PDF, 14 MB]
Feature | Salvadoran poetry guest edited by Christian Nagler |
p.1 |
Translations from the Spanish by Emily Abendroth, Karen Lepri, Christian Nagler, Jocelyn Saidenberg, and Brian Whitener |
Christian Nagler, Insurgent Hungers and the Crises of Everyday Life: Poetry of the Recent Present in El Salvador |
p.3 |
Krisma Mancía, Three Poems |
p.10 |
Miguel Huezo-Mixco, Six Poems |
p.24 |
Luis Alvarenga, Central Hotel |
p.36 |
Teresa Andrade, Hall of Cats |
p.46 |
Otoniel Guevara, Six Poems |
p.58 |
Rafael Menjivar Ochoa, Three Poems |
p.68 |
Claudia Hérodier, Four Poems |
p.82 |
Roque Dalton, All |
p.90 |
Poetry | edited by E.Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, & erica kaufman with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathanaël |
p.95 |
Simone White, from Unrest |
p.97 |
Frank Sherlock, Space Between These Lives Not Dedicated |
p.105 |
Debrah Morkun, from Hera Calf Memory Tapes |
p.110 |
Ana Božičević, from Depth Hoar |
p.114 |
Sean Labrador y Manzano, from Radical Co-prosperity: an Illokano sonnet duplo |
p.120 |
Catherine Imbriglio, Two Poems |
p.124 |
Filip Marinovich, Double Elegy in Pisces |
p.133 |
Dolores Dorantes, from Dear Factory (Jen Hofer, trans.) |
p.138 |
calum gardner, Three Poems |
p.146 |
Crow Jane, Two Poems |
p.153 |
Omar Pimienta, Four Poems (John Pluecker, trans.) |
p.156 |
Mary Burger, from Matlike |
p.164 |
Eugene Ostashevsky, The Deserted Island |
p.167 |
Hung Q. Tu, Life on Mars |
p.172 |
Dot Devota, Bloodletting |
p.181 |
Magus Magnus, from The Re-echoes |
p.183 |
Natalie Knight, from Taxonomy Bent |
p.186 |
Timothy Shea, At Saint Paul-de-Mausole, He'd Hymned Majestically, The Christ Had Beckoned Sweetly From The Hall, Year After Year...Part 2 |
p.192 |
Ray Ragosta, Four Poems |
p.196 |
Mathieu Bergeron, The Unformed Suite (Nathanaël, trans.) |
p.200 |
Rachel Moritz, Homozygous |
p.212 |
Garrett Caples, Two Poems |
p.215 |
Adam Katz, Three Poems |
p.222 |
Noah Eli Gordon, Five Problems (Drawings by Sommer Browning) |
p.225 |
Jasmine Dreame Wagner, V.I. Lenin Palace of Culture and Sport |
p.227 |
Travis Cebula, Three Poems |
p.233 |
Paula Koneazny, Two Poems |
p.237 |
Vincent Katz, Two Poems |
p.241 |
Amy Catanzano, To the Unaided Eye |
p.244 |
Carley Moore, Three Poems |
p.246 |
Sarah Riggs, from Autobiography of Envelopes |
p.250 |
Carla Faesler, from Katabasis Ex-Voto (Karen Lepri, trans.) |
p.254 |
Rodney Koeneke, Three Poems |
p.258 |
Juan Carlos Flores, Three Poems (Kristin Dykstra, trans.) |
p.262 |
j/j hastain, Untitled |
p.268 |
Hugo García Manríquez, from Anti-Humboldt |
p.272 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by Julian Talamantez Brolaski, E. Tracy Grinnell, and erica kaufman |
p.287 |
Ammiel Alcalay, Origins & Erasures |
p.289 |
Wayne Koestenbaum, How I Became a Painter: A Didactic Poem |
p.305 |
Carley Moore, Slips and Falls |
p.318 |
Ariel Goldberg, Selections from The Estrangement Principle: A Poetic Criticism |
p.324 |
Steve Light, On Some Recent Aspects of Linguistic and Cultural Conformity: Against “Famously Said” |
p.344 |
Noah Eli Gordon, On Elizabeth Willis & Peter Gizzi: Two Introductions |
p.352 |
Marcus Civin, On a Diagonal, Looking Forward and Looking Back |
p.356 |
j/j hastain, Creative Engagement with Kate Schapira’s The Love of Freak Millways and Tango Wax |
p.362 |
Laynie Browne, “Implicit Promise”: A Mosaic of Observations on Connectivity and Resonant Space in the Poetry of Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge |
p.364 |
Contributors’ Notes |
p.381 |
About the Artist |
p.392 |
Aufgabe 12, 2013: Featuring poetry in translation from Quebec guest edited by Oana Avasilichioaei [PDF, 13 MB]
Feature | Poetry in translation from Quebec guest edited by Oana Avasilichioaei |
p.1 |
Translations by Oana Avasilichioaei, Daniel Canty, Norma Cole, Ingrid Pam Dick, Katia Grubisic, Bronwyn Haslam, Jen Hutton, Lazer Lederhendler, françois luong, Robert Majzels, Erín Moure, and Cole Swensen |
Oana Avasilichioaei, Now’s Matter: Work in Translation from Quebecois French |
p.3 |
Geneviève Desrosiers, from Many Will Be Our Enemies |
p.7 |
Benoit Jutras, from Verchiel |
p.15 |
Nicole Brossard, Untitled |
p.21 |
Chantal Neveu, from A Spectacular Influence |
p.29 |
Franz Schürch, from Whatever Kisses Is Blurred |
p.35 |
Suzanne Leblanc, from The House As P.’s Thinking |
p.43 |
Steve Savage, from 2 x 2 and Le son [nom] #4 |
p.49 |
Philippe Charron, from Tiled Supporters and Day of the Dupes. Succession |
p.57 |
Renée Gagnon, from Steve McQueen (my lover) |
p.65 |
Daniel Canty, from Wigrum |
p.71 |
François Turcot, from My Dinosaur |
p.77 |
Martine Audet, from I Ask Forgiveness of the Species that Shines |
p.83 |
Kim Doré, from Radiance of Black Bodies |
p.89 |
Jean-Marc Desgent, from What Does It Matter Now |
p.95 |
Poetry | edited by E.Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, and Tyrone Williams with contributing editors Jen Hofer and Jamie Townsend |
p.101 |
HR Hegnauer, The Dog |
p.103 |
Raúl Zurita, The Country of Planks (Daniel Borzutzky, trans.) |
p.105 |
Emily Abendroth, Three Poems |
p.112 |
Susan Gevirtz, notes from Pre (excerpts) |
p.118 |
Emily Carlson, from Sleeping with Phosphorus |
p.127 |
Nicholas DeBoer, Shaftway Shaftway |
p.131 |
Daniel Rounds, [some problems with sequential simulation of self] |
p.138 |
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Draft 106: Words |
p.145 |
Lørpsliç Bierkegårt, Two Poems |
p.149 |
Steve Dickison, from Wear You to the Ball |
p.152 |
Fabián Casas, The Cycles (Brent Armendinger, trans.) |
p.159 |
Alejandro Mendez, Cities-Three (Brent Armendinger, trans.) |
p.167 |
Matt Longabucco, Two Poems |
p.172 |
Claire Donato, The Second Body Is a Shield |
p.175 |
Mark Dickinson, not-yet |
p.176 |
Edric Mesmer, Dorsality |
p.182 |
Jen Besemer, from A Man of Me |
p.186 |
Elizabeth Robinson, On White Noise |
p.190 |
Nicole Peyrafitte, from Bi-Valve: Vulvic Space | Vulvic Knowledge |
p.198 |
Jennifer Kronovet, Four Poems |
p.207 |
Cody-Rose Clevidence, Eight Poems |
p.211 |
Judah Rubin, With Fierce Convulse / Die Into Life |
p.220 |
Karen Garthe, Four Poems |
p.230 |
Laressa Dickey, Sequencing & Counting / 3 |
p.235 |
Khadijah Queen, from Evidence and Bloodroot |
p.240 |
C. Violet Eaton, Seven Poems |
p.245 |
Mónica de la Torre, Four Poems |
p.253 |
Phyllis Rosenzweig, Four Poems |
p.261 |
Arturo Ramírez Lara, Infernalize Me (John Pluecker, trans.) |
p.269 |
Rusty Morrison, from Ill-Sense |
p.274 |
James Belflower, The Briefing |
p.279 |
Julia Drescher, from So |
p.287 |
Joseph Bradshaw, Two Poems |
p.295 |
Sueyeun Juliette Lee, what the heart longs for when it knows only heat. |
p.298 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by E. Tracy Grinnell and erica kaufman with contributing editor Jamie Townsend |
p.303 |
Pierre Joris, The Idiot |
p.305 |
Robin Tremblay-McGaw, Questions, Read-Thrus & Alterity in the Work of Joan Retallack: An Interview with Robin Tremblay-McGaw & Auto Fairy |
p.309 |
Judith Goldman, untitled [after Dihedrons] |
p.324 |
Gregoire Pam Dick, from Metaphysical Licks, the LP |
p.328 |
pablo lopez, You • Thou • We • They • Them • It |
p.339 |
Dorothy Albertini, The Second to Last Mailing |
p.346 |
J. C. Vischer, Seams, Sutures and Overthrowing Patriarchy: Language in The Obituary by Gail Scott |
p.348 |
Catherine Mavrikakis and Nathanaël, Anachronies |
p.357 |
Contributors |
p.367 |
About the Artist |
p.376 |
Aufgabe 13, 2014: Featuring poetry in translation from India guest edited by Biswamit Dwibedy & a special section of poetry from the Moroccan journal Souffles [PDF, 13 MB]
Feature | Poetry from India, translated from Seven Indian Languages guest edited by Biswamit Dwibedy |
p.1 |
Translated by Teji Grover, Lakshmi Holmström, Sonam Kachru, Rajiv Mohabir, Aryanil Mukherjee, Rizio Raj, Rustam, K. Satchidanandan, and Rahul Soni |
Biswamit Dwibedy, Voice and Voyage: Mapping Contemporary Indian Poetics |
p.3 |
Kashmiri |
Chaman Lal Chaman, A Poetic Prelude |
p.7 |
Dina Nath Nadim, Night’s Triptych |
p.8 |
Abdul Rahman Rahi, Two Poems |
p.12 |
Moti Lal Saqi, A Request |
p.14 |
Rosul Pompur, Come Into View |
p.17 |
Akthar Mohiuddin, Two Poems |
p.19 |
Fatima Mahjuba, A Snow-Wind |
p.22 |
Hindi |
Rustam, Eight Poems |
p.24 |
Teji Grover, Three Poems |
p.32 |
Vyomesh Shukla, Five Poems |
p.41 |
Marathi |
Sachin Ketkar, Three Poems |
p.46 |
Bengali |
Pronob Pal, Three Poems |
p.52 |
Sabyasachi Sanyal, Vigo’s Song |
p.55 |
Subhro Bandopadhyay, History of Indian Literature |
p.60 |
Aryanil Mukherjee, from Code Memory |
p.64 |
Malayalam |
Anvar Ali, Three Poems |
p.71 |
P. M. Govindanunni, Three Poems |
p.77 |
P. Raman, Five Poems |
p.80 |
Rose Mary, Two Poems |
p.85 |
Sarju, Two Poems |
p.88 |
Jayan K. C., Two Poems |
p.90 |
V. R. Santhosh, Three Poems |
p.92 |
P. P. Ramachandran, Three Poems |
p.95 |
Bhojpuri |
Chhannulal Mishra, Three Poems |
p.99 |
Pintu Rai, Three Poems |
p.102 |
Babla and Kanchan, Three Poems |
p.105 |
Tamil |
Malathi Maithri, Four Poems |
p.108 |
Sukirtharani, Three Poems |
p.112 |
Special Section | The Souffles Poets guest edited by Olivia C. Harrison & Teresa Villa-Ignacio |
p.115 |
Translated by Etel Adnan, Guy Bennett, Olivia C. Harrison, Lucy R. McNair, Anna Moschovakis, Jennifer Moxley, and Teresa Villa-Ignacio |
Olivia C. Harrison & Teresa Villa-Ignacio, The Souffles Poets |
p.117 |
Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine, Bloods |
p.121 |
Abdelkebir Khatibi, Three Poems |
p.123 |
Mohammed Ismaïl Abdoun, Palma |
p.125 |
Mostafa Nissaboury, Untitled |
p.133 |
Tahar Ben Jelloun, Planet of the Apes |
p.137 |
Etel Adnan, from Jebu |
p.139 |
Abdellatif Laâbi, we are all palestinian refugees |
p.144 |
Poetry | edited by E.Tracy Grinnell, Paul Foster Johnson, erica kaufman, Maryam Parhizkar, Jamie Townsend, & Zandra Ruiz with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathanaël |
p.147 |
Joan Retallack, from Bosch Studies |
p.149 |
Mercedes Roffé, from Ghost Opera (Margaret Carson, trans.) |
p.151 |
Oana Avasilichioaei, Mouthnotes |
p.156 |
Aja Couchois Duncan, from Nomenclature, Miigaadiwin, a Forked Tongue |
p.164 |
Ryan Clark, from Arizona Senate Bill 1070: An Act |
p.169 |
Tedi López Mills, from Against the Current (Wendy Burk, trans.) |
p.173 |
Alejandra Pizarnik, Paths of the Mirror (Yvette Siegert, trans.) |
p.181 |
Jessica Baran, Equivalents |
p.186 |
John Myers, $ |
p.192 |
Abigail Child, from NOISE, a novel |
p.197 |
Pierre Joris, from The Gulf (between Rigwreck & Dis/aster) |
p.204 |
Bibiana Padilla Maltos, from cuori di testo |
p.208 |
Carlos Soto-Román, La Casa de Lo Curro |
p.211 |
Samuel Ace, Four Poems |
p.214 |
Kimberly Lyons, Ten Broeck Street / At Fayoum |
p.218 |
Ana Ristovic, Two Poems (Steven & Maja Teref, trans.) |
p.223 |
Peter Neufeld, Four Poems |
p.226 |
Dan Thomas-Glass, First Works (1 – 8) |
p.231 |
Stacy Szymaszek, Late Spring Journal [2012] |
p.239 |
Peter Valente and Cole Heinowitz, from North American Zoos Worldwide |
p.246 |
Jennifer Bartlett, from The Hindrances of the Householder |
p.248 |
Douglas Piccinnini, Three Poems |
p.253 |
Camilo Roldán, from La Torre |
p.256 |
Eléna Rivera, from 31 Stations: Morning Hours |
p.259 |
Matthieu Baumier, Mystes (Nathanaël, trans.) |
p.263 |
Kevin Holden, from Firn |
p.268 |
Laynie Browne, from Amulet Sonnets |
p.271 |
Matvei Yankelevich, from Some Worlds for Dr. Vogt |
p.273 |
Will Alexander, On Solar Physiology |
p.277 |
Florencia Walfisch, Garlic Soup and Mezcal (Alexis Almeida, trans.) |
p.281 |
Nadia Anjuman, Three Poems (Diana Arterian and Marina Omar, trans.) |
p.289 |
Roberto Harrison, Bridge of the World |
p.294 |
Essays, notes, reviews | edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Jamie Townsend & Zandra Ruiz |
p.309 |
Jennifer Kronovet, On Translation, with Pleasure |
p.311 |
Shonni Enelow, My Dinner with Bernard Frechtman |
p.320 |
Jess Arndt, Third Arm |
p.336 |
Eileen Myles, from Transcription |
p.342 |
Jocelyn Saidenberg, from Dead Letter |
p.348 |
Allison Cobb, from Plastic: an autobiography |
p.356 |
James Sherry, Against One Model Alone |
p.360 |
Kate Colby, The Longest Division |
p.373 |
Elizabeth Robinson, A Meditation, in three parts, on Martha Ronk’s Partially Kept |
p.387 |
Tierry Hentsch, from The sea, the limit (Nathanaël, trans.) |
p.392 |
JH Phrydas, Somatics and Experimental Prose: An Unfinished Essay |
p.397 |
Louis Bury, from Notes on Notes |
p.405 |
After/words: an editorial exchange | E. Tracy Grinnell & Jen Hofer |
p.413 |
Contributors |
p.417 |
About the Artist | Molly Zuckerman Hartung |
p.434 |