Gilbert Adair

Born in Northern Ireland, Gilbert Adair has lived, taught, and written poetry in London, Singapore, New York, and Hawai‘i. In 1980 he cofounded, and for the next twelve years curated, Sub-Voicive, at the time one of London’s only two experimental poetry venues. He has written critical appreciations of works by a variety of British and American poets, most recently Robert Fitterman (below) and William Rowe (forthcoming), and is the author of ten books and chapbooks of poetry, most recently h c e, which takes off from both the academic term for Hawaiian pidgin (Hawai‘i Creole English) and the central figure of Finnegans Wake to assemble a linguistically various post-colonial poetic (Veer Books, 2023). He is currently working on Split Second Midnight, a book-length science fiction poem.