From there to here

Recently received for review

Among the joys of working as the reviews editor for a poetry magazine that has international readers and writers: packages of books you probably won't find in any domestic bookstore. Since the beginnning of May, Jacket2 has received new titles from presses including Shearsman (UK), Fremantle Press (AU), Brick Books (CA) and Reality Street (UK):

In the Common Dream of George Oppen by Joseph Bradshaw (Shearsman 2011)
At the Point by Joseph Massey (Shearsman 2011)
The Name of This Intersection is Frost by Maryrose Larkin (Shearsman 2011)
Ficticia by Maria Baranda trans. Joshua Edwards (Shearsman 2011)
to be continued by Anne Blonstein (Shearsman 2011)
Divining for Starters by Carrie Etter (Shearsman 2011)
Sleepwalking with Orpheus by Craig Watson (Shearsman 2011)
The Derbyshire Poems by Peter Riley (Shearsman 2011)
The Perforated Map by Elena Rivera (Shearsman 2011)
black seeds on a white dish by Shira Dentz (Shearsman 2011)
I-Formation (Book 1) by Anne Gorrick (Shearsman 2011)
Collected Poems by Karin Lessing (Shearsman 2011)
Poems 2006-2009 by Christopher Middleton (Shearsman 2011)

Fremantle Poets 2: Two Poets
by Kevin Gillam and Andrew Lansdown (Fremantle 2011)
The Moving World by Michael Heald (Fremantle 2011)
The Argument by Tracy Ryan (Fremantle 2011)

Sharawadji by Brian Henderson (Brick Books 2011)
Outskirts by Sue Goyette (Brick Books 2011)
Girlwood by Jennifer Still (Brick Books 2011)
The Truth of Houses by Ann Scowcroft (Brick Books 2011)

Plants by James Davies (Reality Street 2011)
Occasionals by Carol Watts (Reality Street 2011)