Charles Bernstein

'boundary 2' webinar on 'Topsy-Turvy'

On June 15, boundary 2 editor Paul Bové convened Yunte Huang (from California), Runa Bandyopadhyay (from India), Abigail Lang (from France), and me for b2’s webinar on Topsy-Turvy,  focusing on non-U.S. perspectives, in anticipation of an issue of boundary 2 coming out in the fall. In the b2 issue, Runa gives a Vedic and Bengali spin to her reading of my poetics, Yunte writes about our ongoing mishmash of American and Chinese encounters, and Abigail continues her exploration of American/French poetry exchanges in an introduction to her translation of my work.

Vladimir Feschenko: Charles Bernstein's experimental semiotics

Language poetry between Russian and American traditions

NLO (New Literary Review, Russia), 168:2, 2021

 The new issue of NLO (New Literary Review, Russia, 168:2, 2021) features a section on American poetry edited edited by Vladimir Feschenko. Two of the essays, both machine translated, with some modification, are published here. Please consult the Russian original for accuracy. 

A poem by Tarik Hamdan

Tarik Hamdan, born in 1984, is a Palestinian poet living in Paris.

I translated this poem a year ago for a video from Trimukhi Platform.

A poem by Tarik Hamdan
translated by Charles Bernstein

Steve Clay on Close Listening

Photo: Charles Bernstein / PennSound

Steve Clay and I talk about how he came to start Granary Books on Close Listening. We recorded the show on May 17, 2021. 

(60 minutes): MP3

Listen to 130 interviews and many additional readings at Close Listening and LINEbreak at PennSound.

Russell Atkins on PennSound

Worldd Too Much: The Selected Poetry of Russell Atkins, edited by Kevin Prufer and Robert E. McDonough, was published by the Cleveland State University Poetry Center. Foreword by Janice Lowe. 


Please buy the book directly from the publisher, University of Chicago Press, or a local bookstore, including Bridge Street BooksSemCoop, Talking Leaves, Indiebound, McNally-Jackson, and Bookshop.Org. 

176 pages, paper and ebook. Audiobook is from Chicago and Amazon/Aubible.

Runa Bandyopadhyay — Bernstein's Jewish Dharmma: An Upanishadic Quantum Poetics

Runa Bandyopadhyay has translated into Bengali, with extended, performative commentary, my essay “The Pataquerical Imperative: Midrashic Antinomianism and the Promise of Bent Studies.” from Pitch of Poetry: “Patquerical Nightshow” in  Ongshumali (W. Bengal / Berlin): 
Bengali: part onepart two; part three; part four, part five, part six
Englishonetwothree, four, five, six

More recently, Bandyopadhyay has written, in English, a  response to my poem “Twelve-Year Horoscope” (a poem that will be included in Topsy-Turvy):  "On/extending “Twelve-Year Universal Horoscope”: Sybil (2020)
She has also written a review of Topsy-Turvy at Sybli (2021) 

Erica Hunt and Charles Bernstein on 'Brooklyn Rail' webcast

Erica Hunt and I were on the Brooklyn Rail’s lunchtime webcast, The New Social Environment. I talked with Rail publisher Phong Bui and I was the host for Erica’s show. 

‘The performance of freedom’

Close Listening with Tonya Foster and Charles Bernstein

Photo by Al Filreis.

Editorial note: The following conversation is from Close Listening, a program hosted by Charles Bernstein and produced by Clocktower Radio, in collaboration with PennSound, on June 18, 2013, at Studio 215 in New York. It was transcribed by Mariah Macias and subsequently edited for publication.

Notes on nonsense

Illustration of creatures mentioned in Lewis Carroll’s ‘Jabberwocky,’ by John Tenniel.

Adjacent to the house where I once lived, with its four residents and one other volunteer, sat a private cottage where Joe lived in a world of his own making. The idiosyncrasies of this world formed around the ceaseless churning of Joe’s brain as it reframed his memories through the lens of his particular paranoias and neuroses. Like a tangent, Joe always ran adjacent to what was around him. 



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