Plus this
Additions, updates, & singles

I want to backtrack a bit and link to some recordings related to earlier commentaries. Rather than update the older posts, I’ll periodically add new tracks to expand previous playlists. I’ll also make some new unthemed playlists of singles segmented from longer recordings that I came across while browsing PennSound’s reading series pages.
Additions and updates:
Listen to Prageeta Sharma read an epistolary excerpt from her book Bliss to Fill recorded at the Belladonna Series in 2000. Read about and hear other recordings related to letters in an earlier post, Dear Pennsound.
Listen to Sina Queryas read Numb is more natural, from her book Lemon Hound, at a 2006 Belladonna Series reading. Hear the entire reading. Read about and hear other recordings related to questions in the post, What is a question?
Thanks to James Sanders, who emailed Jacket2 to let me know about a recording of Joseph Ceravolo reading against a soundscape of other conversations. Ceravolo’s piece is included in Tape Poems, a 1969 audio anthology edited by Eduardo Costa and John Perreault. The introduction to the anthology begins: “This is the first collection and the first ‘publication’ of works created specifically for stereophonic tape. The works exist completely in terms of aural phenomenon, rather than in terms of visual systems of signs, thus beginning a new art of the tape recorder that has in common with written literature the fact that it refers to real language.” Here is link to the UbuWeb page for that anthology. Ceravolo’s recording begins roughly at the 26 minute mark. Read about and hear other recordings related to ambient recording environments in the post, Hearing Spaces.
Singles segmented from PennSound's reading series pages:
Cedar Sigo, The Emerald Tablet. Listen to the entire reading on A Voice Box, Small Press Traffic in 2010.
Genya Turovskaya, In order to speak honestly. Listen to the entire reading from the Whenever We Feel Like It Series presents Supermachine, The Rotunda, April 17, 2010.
Carla Harryman, from Baby. Listen to the entire reading at the Segue Series in NY in 2006.
Akilah Oliver, from The She Said Dialogues: Flesh Memory. Listen to the entire reading at the Belladonna Series in NYC in 1999.
Notes on PennSound