Finnish poetry

Mari Laaksonen

My interest in visual poetry (or video poetry) began when I started doing performances. I’ve been quite interested in the possibility of writing between picture and text. It is a process of learning how to read this relationship: how text changes the picture and vice versa. I work by taking textual metaphor and breaking it down to its concrete DNA level. — Mari Laaksonen


J.P. Sipilä

What I do is videopoetry where video and sound are not mere reflections of certain poems, but a puzzle or juxtaposition of the three elements (video, sound, and text). A good videopoem creates a new overall poetic experience from the three elements used. For me the video is the paper and screen is the mouth of my poetry. — J. P. Sipilä

You Knew It Already


Cia Rinne

If there is one concern in my work, it is to reduce the form to the minimum necessary in order to visualize a thought or idea. Tomas Schmit put it like this: “What you can say with a sculpture you do not need to build as architecture, what you can do with a drawing you do not need to search in image, and what you can clear up on a piece of paper does not need to become a huge drawing; and what you can make up in your mind does not even need any piece of paper.”[1] This is something I can definitely relate to.

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