Episode 6: Bernadette Mayer

Bernadette Mayer smiling at the camera with her hair in braids
Photo of Bernadette Mayer courtesy of Walker Art Center.


Bernadette Mayer, whose poetry is included in the Rail Park, is the author of over thirty books, including Midwinter DayThe Golden Book of Words, UtopiaStudying Hunger, and Sonnets, to name just a few. Her most recent book is Work and Days. Among her many gifts, Mayer is a legendary teacher, editor, photographer, and inventor of a series of infamous writing experiments. Just out from Siglio Press is Memory, a poetic audiovisual installation, shown now in its entirety for the first time since its original 1972 exhibition. During July 1971, Mayer took one roll of film each day, resulting in 1,116 photographs displayed in a grid. This publication brings together the full sequence of images and text for the first time in book form.