Sam Truitt
Born in Washington, DC, and raised there and in Tokyo, Japan, Sam Truitt is the author of seven books of poetry in the Vertical Elegies series and is the coeditor of In|Filtration: An Anthology of Innovative Poetry from the Hudson River Valley. He is the recipient of the 2011 Howard Fellowship, two Fund for Poetry grants, and the 2002 Contemporary Poetry Award from the University of Georgia. His works in digital language arts include “transverse,” “shaft/state state/shaft,” “Days,” and “Dick: A Reading in Strips,” an audiovisual interpretation of Dick: A Vertical Elegy (Lunar Chandelier, 2014). He holds degrees from Kenyon College, Brown University, and the State University of New York and is currently a guest lecturer at Bard College and the Executive Director of Station Hill of Barrytown in the Hudson Valley, where he lives with his wife and daughters. For more, including links to AV works: