Laura Mullen

Laura Mullen is the author of nine books: EtC, Complicated Grief, Enduring Freedom: A Little Book of Mechanical Brides, The Surface, After I Was Dead, Subject, Dark Archive, The Tales of Horror, and Murmur. Her translation of Véronique Pittolo’s Hero was published by Black Square Editions in 2019. Recognitions for her poetry include Ironwood’s Stanford Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and a Rona Jaffe Award. She has had several MacDowell Fellowships and was a frequent visitor to the Summer Writing Program at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa. Her work is included in American Hybrid and Postmodern American Poetry (Norton) as well as other anthologies, and her poems have appeared in Bomb, The Nation, Volt, Ecotone, Bayou, and Poetry — among other journals. An essay on Gertrude Stein and creative writing was included in the anthology Approaches to Teaching Stein. A collaboration with composer Nathan Davis — “a Sound uttered, a Silence crossed” — had its premiere in La Jolla in 2015 and was performed at Williams College and Notre Dame; Verge — a limited edition artist’s book, with John David O’Brien — appeared in 2017.