Lê Đình Nhất-Lang
Lê Đình Nhất-Lang (b. 1969) is a poet and translator living in Southern California. He writes his poems in Vietnamese and translates poems by others both to and from Vietnamese. Growing up in Vietnam in a postwar period which saw the departure of many hundreds of thousands of boatpeople, he emigrated to France with his family in 1983 and moved to the US in 1985. After graduating from college as a computational linguistic major, he worked for more than a decade in software programming before switching careers to work as a news translator for Vietnamese-language media. His poems and translations have appeared in the print magazines Thế Kỷ 21, Văn Học and Văn, and in the web-based magazines tienve.org and damau.org. He has been on the damau editorial staff since 2007.