Geomantic riposte: 'Mongrel Love'
Co-winner of the Ralph Gustafson Poetry Award and born and raised in Regina, writer Judith Krause is the current and fifth Poet Laureate of Saskatchewan, an appointment that acknowledges her having “meaningful connections with other writers and experience organizing occasions for thinking about poetry differently” and that includes her teaching experience at Sage Hill, an inspirational place for visiting writers. In an interview with The Leader Post, Emma Graney indicates that Krause’s main goal is to raise the profile of Saskatchewan poetry and “celebrate the spirit of poets” in the province, despite the genre's “quiet profile.” In her most recent collection Mongrel Love, we may admire her uncanny mix of wry humour and mammalian sympathies that Dante Alighieri would surely agree flow along absolutely caninamente.
Mongrel Love by Judith Krause (Hagios Press, 2008, Page 73)
The way songbirds call the park home.
The year beavers chewed every tree along the creek bed.
The rotten egg smell that fills the air when the ice breaks up.
The place under the bridge where a man’s body was found,
one of the oldest unsolved crimes in the city.
The way fireworks douse the park with light.
The way lovers park, lights off, engines running.
The way police drove up and down the snowy lane a January night in 1984
looking for signs of a neighbour’s murderer.
How tadpoles invite you to shed shoes and socks. And how, on a hot day,
the fountain in the paddling pool invites you to shed even more.
How a sudden bloom of dragonflies becomes an iridescent veil,
a living scarf, floating through the evening air.
The sound your bicycle makes as you clank clank your way
over the wooden footbridge.
Geomantic Riposte: Footbridge
Beavers are a-okay with David Suzuki and may save the world A giant
beaver sculpture is testament to this although one of my characters tries
to drown himself on that lovely little bridge before an RCMP officer asks
to see his Status card Now that “one of us” is in power we hope you
will deconstruct matters from within Creative Saskatchewan is not
what we hoped it’d be and it’s still hard to get from here to Les Sherman
Park on a Sunday or holiday how about a few hours grace for them folks
who clean the malls for our Sunday shopping pleasure oh did you say
murder how quaint in the “big city” we have a lot on we don’t really
have time to stop for that also those barking dogs on Robinson Street
near 13th need to be let out in public park Unacknowledged legislator
please see to that Poetry is UP but short fiction is down but since your
reign began the cyclists walk their bikes across footbridge Skateboarders
cease their shreds and curtsey right where the circle of red serge starts to
tighten around my character it’s a courtesy and out of respect to you
and what that dude and his kid think is a muskrat or even afanc
adorably shiny otter or beaver according to the OED Word of the Day