Samuel Delany reviewed the first Star Wars movie in Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy (1977). Alex Weheliye has made a copy available here. And here, posted by Delany himself on Facebook, is his review of the new film, episode 7, The Force Awakens.
Samuel Delany (left) and Charles Bernstein (right) in a still of the recording of Close Listening.
Editorial note: The following has been adapted from a Close Listening conversation recorded as part of “The Motion of Light: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany,” a program hosted at the Kelly Writers House in April 2014. The conversation was transcribed by Tracie Morris. Listen to the audio program here. — Julia Bloch
Of all the new writing I’ve encountered in the last few years, Aaron Winslow’s is certainly a favorite. It’s post-apocalyptic, full of body issues, and the prose itself, the way it's written, is hilarious — it’s the kind of comic relief I need after a long day at my own job of the great misery. Aaron himself is pretty funny but also pretty humble, so instead of interviewing him I convened a roundtable. I didn't tell our panelists why I chose them — didn't want to put any pressure on — but each of them delivered here exactly what — even more actually — than I had imiagined. I knew these three would produce a great conversational balance together — and you'll see below they did.
Samuel R. Delany's reviews of 'Star Wars'
Samuel Delany reviewed the first Star Wars movie in Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy (1977). Alex Weheliye has made a copy available here. And here, posted by Delany himself on Facebook, is his review of the new film, episode 7, The Force Awakens.