Subhro Bandopadhyay

Subhro Bandopadhyay (b. 1978) is the penname of Subhransu Banerjee, a polyglot poet who speaks four languages, including English and Spanish, and writes in two. Closely connected with a whole generation of contemporary Spanish and Chilean poets, Subhro is also a prolific translator. An associate editor of Kaurab, Subhro has published five books of poetry in Bengali and one in Spanish, four translation anthologies, and a short biography of Pablo Neruda. He was awarded the Beca Internacional Antonio Machado de creación poética in 2008 by Fundación Antonio Machado and the Spanish Ministry of Culture. He regularly publishes in leading literary journals in India and Spain, and received his Diploma Superior de español como lengua extranjera from the Instituto Cervantes, Spain, in 2010. Subhro currently teaches at Instituto Cervantes in New Delhi.