Vincent Broqua
Vincent Broqua is Maître de conférences / associate professor at the University of Paris Est Créteil. He has written articles on authors, musicians, and artists from the early twentieth century until now (Samuel Beckett, Caroline Bergvall, Jen Bervin, John Cage, Stacy Doris, Alice Notley, Gertrude Stein, Rosmarie Waldrop …). He is currently writing a book on minimal aesthetics and poetics and preparing a future publication on how avant-garde poets and poets of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century read Shakespeare and why that may matter. He translated or cotranslated American poets (David Antin, Stephen Ratcliffe, Rosmarie Waldrop, Elizabeth Willis, Juliana Spahr, Cole Swensen, Anne Waldman …). He is the cofounder with Olivier Brossard of the reading series and webjournal Double Change. With Olivier Brossard he runs the research programme Poets and Critics at Paris Est 2010–2013. With Jean-Jacques Poucel, he is currently coediting an issue of Formes Poétiques Contemporaines on creative criticism.