Trace Peterson

Trace Peterson is a trans woman poet critic. She is the author of Since I Moved In (2nd ed. 2019) and the editor of EOAGH, a journal and small press which has won two Lambda Literary Awards, including the first Lammy in Transgender Poetry. She is coeditor of the anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics, and coeditor of Arrive on Wave: Collected Poems of Gil Ott (Chax Press). Her poetry and criticism have appeared in From Our Hearts to Yours: New Narrative as Contemporary Practice (ON Contemporary Practice), Readings in Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology (Dia Art Foundation/Yale University Press), The Best American Experimental Poetry 2016 (Wesleyan University Press), and Transgender Studies Quarterly. Her second full-length book of poems is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press in 2020.