Gail Scott

Gail Scott’s iconic feminist novel Heroine (Toronto: Coach House, 2019) was reissued with an introduction by Eileen Myles. The Obituary (New York: Nightboat, 2012; Coach House, 2010), a ghost story set in a Montréal triplex, was a 2011 finalist for Le Grand Prix du Livre de la Ville de Montréal. Other prose works include: My Paris (Dalkey Archive), about a sad diarist in conversation with Gertrude Stein and Walter Benjamin in late twentieth-century Paris; Main Brides; Heroine (1987 edition); and Spare Parts Plus 2 (stories and manifestoes). Essays are collected in Spaces Like Stairs and La Théorie, un dimanche (translated as Theory, A Sunday, New York: Belladonna, 2013). Scott is coeditor of the New Narrative anthology Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative (Coach House, 2004). Her translation of Michael Delisle’s Le désarroi du matelot was shortlisted for the Governor General’s award. A memoire, based in Lower Manhattan during the early Obama years, is forthcoming.