Cynthia Hogue

Cynthia Hogue’s most recent collections of poetry are Revenance, listed as one of the 2014 “Standout” books by the Academy of American Poets, and In June the Labyrinth (2017). Her tenth collection, instead, it is dark, will be out in 2023. Her translations (both with Sylvain Gallais) include Fortino Sámano (The overflowing of the poem), from the French of Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy, which won the Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets in 2013, and Nicole Brossard’s Lointaines (2022). Hogue has published many essays on poetry, ranging from that of Emily Dickinson to H.D., Denise Levertov and Harryette Mullen. Her critical work includes the coedited editions We Who Love to Be Astonished: Experimental Feminist Poetics and Performance Art (2001); Innovative Women Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry and Interviews (2006); and the first edition of H.D.’s The Sword Went Out to Sea (Synthesis of a Dream), by Delia Alton (2007). Her honors include two NEA Fellowships, a MacDowell Colony residency, a Witter Bynner Translation Fellowship, and the H.D. Fellowship at Yale University. Hogue was the inaugural Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Chair in Poetry at Arizona State University. She lives in Tucson.
Photo by Maya Ciarrocchi.