Enrique Winter's account my meeting with Chilean poet Diego Maquieira at Diego's house in Santiago has just been published in Letras Libres, October 2015: "Cuando Charles conoció a Diego." Letras Libres has also made it available on their web page: here.
The first book in the new Chimera translation series from Fondo de Animal Editores (Guayaquil, Ecuador) is Blanco Inmóvil (Standing Target), translated by Enrique Winter. The final poem in the book is "Chimera" from Recalculating. Below -- "A Defence of Poetry" and "In a Restless World Like This Is" plus Winter's introduction.
Bogatá and Medellín, Sept. 2019
Launches for Blanco Inmóvil, Charles Bernstein translated by Enrique Winter, Ediciones Uniandes (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá)
Enrique Winter, “La poesía impermeable de Charles Bernstein” Arcadia, Sept. 12, 2018