Silvia Goldman

Silvia Goldman is from Uruguay, and has lived in the United States for seventeen years. Her poems and academic essays have appeared in literary journals in Latin America, the US, and Europe. Her first book of poetry, Cinco movimientos del llanto, was published in 2008 (Ediciones de Hermes Criollo, Montevideo). No-one Rises Indifferent to Sorrow, a section of this book translated into English by Charlotte Whittle, was published in 2016 by Cardboardhouse Press. De los peces la sed, her most recent book of poetry, was published in 2018 by Pandora Lobo Estepario. Her poems have been included in various anthologies such as Crónicas de un buen día, Women Poets from the Americas, Susurros para disipar las sombras, Rapsodia de los sentidos, Ciudad 100, and in the book Poeta en Nueva York: Poetas de tierra y luna. She holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies from Brown University, and teaches at DePaul University.