Jacob Burckhardt

Rudy & Jacob Burckhardt films on PennSound Cinema

The Automotive Story, 1954
A Cittadura Documentary

Rudy Burckhardt, Director
Jane Freilicher, Narration
Kenneth Koch, Text
Debussy, Poulenc, and Scriabin, Piano Music
Frank O'Hara, Music Player

Read the full transcription of a 1976 radio interview with Rudy Burckhardt about Automotive Story at Jacket Magazine.

Douglas Dunn & Dancers Cassations

92nd Street Y Oct. 5, 2012; photos by Jacob Burckhardt

Mimi Gross, set designer

A magnificent Douglas Dunn and dancers performance Friday night, first of several this weekend in New York. Sets and costumes by Mimi Gross. Photos by Jacob Burckhardt (except Mimi Gross photo above, which is by Charles Bernstein). Last peformance today.

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