Queering Language
Queering Language. Issue #3 of EOAGH was published under the title “Queering Language” in 2007. Two readings were held to coincide with the publication of the special issue. The second of these events was held at Robin’s Bookstore in Philadelphia on March 24, 2007:
1. Introduction by CA Conrad (3:25): MP3
2. Introduction by Tim Peterson (2:39): MP3
3. “A Postcard from Dorian Gray,” by Tim Peterson (5:51): MP3
4. “Entitled,” “The Gut,” “The Miraculous Question,” “Song Sequence,” by Kyle Conner (3:20): MP3
5. “Skull (for Alexandra Grilikhes),” by Anne Kaier (3:59): MP3
6. “Target,” “Torment,” “Vacation,” “The Plates,” by Alexandra Grilikhes, read by CA Conrad (4:00): MP3
7. “After Reading Jung’s Thoughts on the Afterlife,” “Morning List,” by Almitra David, read by Eleanor Wilner (2:45): MP3
8. “woman alone,” “The Cunt Sonnet,” by Janet Mason (4:04): MP3
9. “The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized,” “The Basement Apartment,” “The Meadow and the Mosh Pit,” by Chris Gullo (4:32): MP3
10. “Mineral Box Set,” “Fugue,” “Carved,” by Stephen Potter (4:21): MP311. “Existential Epipsychidion,” “Swallowed Opinions But Good Ones,” by Candace Kaucher (4:58): MP3 12. from Larry Kramer's “WE ARE NOT CRUMBS; WE MUST NOT ACCEPT CRUMBS,” from David Wojnarowicz's “Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration,” “DO NOT DOUBT THE DANGEROUSNESS OF THE 12-INCH POLITICIAN,” “tony,” by Nathaniel Siegel (5:24): MP3
13. “Extreme Unction from Brut,” “2 poems from Sky Journal,” “Recent Misread or W/Rote Notes,” by hassen (4:18): MP3
14. “Letter to Danilo Guiliani,” “Flower Show,” “Giant Clam,” “Extinction Narrative,” by Jason Zuzga (5:31): MP3
15. from “Censory Impulse,” by Erica Kaufman (3:25): MP3
16. “audition,” Mytili Jagannathan (6:46): MP3
17. from “hyperglossia,” Stacy Szymaszek (4:01): MP3
18. “Chat,” “He,” “Memory at 53,” by Jim Cory (4:39): MP3
19. “Coordinates,” “This I Will Never Be Able to Narrate,” by Sarah Dowling (5:50): MP3
20. Stephen Jonas’ “The spring and summer annual...,” “For every pig, there will be a Saturday...,” “Let's pretend our safe word is ‘pyre,’” by Christina Strong (4:04): MP3
21. “The Suitcase Series,” by Cathleen Miller (3:30): MP3
22. “Fear,” “Smells,” “What Remains,” by Ashraf Osman (5:13): MP3
23. “Watching Dizzy Gillespie on TV,” by Maria Fama (5:33): MP3
24. from “Expressway,” by Sina Queyras (3:54): MP3
25. “Norwegian Wood,” “Is It All Over My Face?” by Kevin Killian (9:38): MP3
26. Editorial Statement for EOAGH #3, by Kari Edwards, read by Dodie Bellamy (2:55): MP3.
[Above, at right, is a photograph of Kari Edwards, the late co-editor of the special issue. It was dedicated to her.]