Dottie Lasky on Sylvia Plath

Thanks to the work of Anna Zalokostas, PennSound’s Dorothea Lasky page includes poem-by-poem segments of several readings Lasky has given in recent years. One of these readings — a Segue Series reading at the Bowery Poetry Club on October 30, 2010 — included a poem called “Death and Sylvia Plath”: MP3. Here is a link to Lasky's Jacket2 profile, her Columbia University bio, her Poetry Foundation bio page, her Tumblr, and here is one of her blogs.  Here is a review by Sophie Sills of Lasky’s Black Life. And here is her "press kit" for her "tiny tour" reading series.  Dorothea Lasky was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. She earned a BA at Washington University and an MFA at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. "Known for her colloquial, even slangy style and dramatic readings," the Poetry Foundation web site observes, “Lasky acknowledges that ‘there is a kind of arrogance, a kind of supreme power, that when infused with a little real humility and expertise, makes a poem.’”