Danny Snelson
Danny Snelson is a writer, editor, and archivist. His online editorial work can be found on UbuWeb, PennSound, and Eclipse. He works with James Hoff as No Input Books, with Alejandro Crawford as Ex Libris, and lives in collaboration with Mashinka Firunts. Screenings, readings, lectures, and performances at Semiospectacle, Centre Pompidou, Dispatch Bureau, Ontological Hysteric Theater, Subtext Series, Gallery D21 Leipzig, Capricious Space, CRG Gallery, Lisa Cooley Gallery, and with free103point9 Transmission Arts. Recent projects include Inventory Arousal (Bedford Press, 2011), Alcheringa Archive, Simultaneously Agitated Space (Mimeo Mimeo #3), Endless Nameless, my Dear coUntess, Equi Nox, The Book of Ravelling Women, No-Body Zone, Noise!2010, and Edit: Performing Network Publishing (with Tan Lin).