On our radar: 'Neighbor' by Rachel Levitsky (second edition)

During this time of slowed publication, we at J2 want to highlight some books from our (digital) reviews shelf. Today’s poetry title on our radar: Neighbor by Rachel Levitsky, 2nd ed. (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2020). If you’d like to review this title, please let us know: info@jacket2.org

[Text of image above: “From Ugly Duckling Presse: ‘As antagonisms and intimacies converge, [Rachel] Levitsky troubles the divisions within urban space, and between spatial and ethical frames: “I live on a street where / people turn (on) each other / into a theory.” This second edition, printed a decade after Neighbor’s original publication, features an expanded version of the play, “Perfect California: A Familly Affair.”’]