Springtime for PennSound
Spring comes to PennSound
At PennSound's home base here in the Middle Atlantic of the U.S., the PennSound staff is enjoying the start of spring. So we decided to offer a vernal sampling from our archive:
1. William Carlos Williams, “Spring Strains” (1:09): MP3
2. Paul Blackburn, “It might as well be spring” (1:37): MP3
3. E. E. Cummings (read by John Richetti), “spring is like a perhaps hand” (0:53): MP3
4. Alan Davies, “Cold Spring” (22:15): MP3
5. Edwin Denby, “The Spring goes drifting, angel of deceit” (1:03): MP3
6. Jeffrey Robinson reading “Ode: Composed on A May Morning” by William Wordsworth; followed by his own “Vernal Song of Blithe May after William Wordworth”; an excerpt from Wordworth's “The Triad”; his own “Poem on the Letter 'A'” (6:29): MP3
7. John Ashbery, “April Galleons” (4:08): MP3
8. Hannah Weiner, from “May from the Journal in June” — Hannah Weiner, poet and reader; Sharon Mattlin & Rochelle Kraut, readers (6:12): MP3
9. Tom Leonard, “June the Second” (1:06): MP3
10. Philip Whalen, “Japanese Tea Garden Golden Gate Park in Spring” (0:45): MP3
11. Fiona Templeton, from Medea on the Argo, “Medea wants a child in spring” (1:03): MP312. John Richetti performs e.e. cummings's "spring is like a perhaps hand" (0:53): MP3
13. Matthew Rotando, "On Occasion in Spring, One is Really Ecstatic..." (0:57): MP3
14. Paul Blackburn, "Paris and not spring either" (0:51): MP3
15. William Carlos Williams, "Widow's Lament in Springtime": (0:55): MP3
16. Eileen Myles, "April 5" (1:04): MP3