A sampling of new recordings at PennSound

A sampling of new poems at PennSound

PennSound continues to acquire, digitize, upload and link new recordings of poets reading their own poems. Below is a sampling of recordings acquired recently. PennSound's archivists routinely post new acquisitions to the PennSound main page, in the right-hand column. Visit PennSound's “Authors” page for a complete list of the archive's author pages. Other recordings can be found under “Anthologies/Collections/Groups,” “Series” and other headings.

1. Robert Duncan: “Everything Speaks to Me” (from “Dante Etudes”) (2:14): MP3
2. Muriel Rukeyser: “Letter to the Front” (4:19): MP3
3. Anne Boyer: “The Stupid Love” (2:15): MP3
4. Owen Sound: “Headlines” (5:03): MP3
5. Gary Sullivan: “Why I'm Not a Poet” (1:43): MP3
6. Rae Armantrout: “Atmospheric” (0:33): MP3
7. Kenneth Goldsmith: “The 1703 Weather Diary of Thomas Appletree” (15:17): MP3
8. Edwin Torres: “The Maze Within” (2:15): MP3
9. Grzegorz Wroblewski: from Kopenhaga (8:10): MP3
10. Benjamin Hollander: “Clear, Concise, Correct: A Drama” (5:14): MP3
11. Allen Ginsberg: “Sunflower Sutra” in 1960 (2:42): MP3
12. Bruce, Andrews: “New Years Lube: Another Bonobo Milkshake” (4:58): MP3
13. Nicole Brossard, “Installations” (6:27): MP3