Thom Donovan

Thom Donovan is a writer, curator, editor, and archivist. He edits the weblog Wild Horses of Fire, now in its sixth year, and ON Contemporary Practice, a print journal for critical writings and conversations about one’s contemporaries. He also edits the web archive Others Letters, featuring correspondence about contemporary practices across the arts, and cocurates The Project for an Archive of the Future Anterior, a live interview series and video archive concerning the immanence of possible futures. His work has appeared widely in print and online and includes critical works in Afterall, BOMB, PAJ, and The Brooklyn Rail. His first full-length book, The Hole, is forthcoming with Displaced Press. He is currently at work revising and editing a book of essays and statements, Sovereignty and Us: Critical Objects 2005–2010.  You can listen to a variety of recent recordings on his PennSound author page.