Andrew Wessels

Under an Istanbul sky: Andrew Wessels & Nurduran Duman

Andrew Wessels is one of the first poets I met here in my home city of Los Angeles. He and his wife, Zeliha, had just been married, and they glowed with such possibility and good will that I couldn't help but embrace two people who, only moments before, had been two strangers. They had driven through hours of desert and Friday night traffic to arrive at the immortal Beyond Baroque in Venice, all of us gathered to hear Donald Revell and Claudia Keelan read poetry.

This is the bodies: On Jena Osman and Rob Fitterman

For a few months in 2014, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art presented a small exhibition of photographs by John Divola titled As Far As I Could Get. The exhibit encompassed one square room presenting prints from four different photographic series. In the title series, As Far As I Could Get, Divola has placed his camera on a tripod and set the shutter on a ten-second timer. As he starts the exposure’s countdown, he runs off into the distance marked by the camera’s gaze.

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