Poem beginning with a line from the pen of John Joseph Wieners

I shall never be lonely again, because of the love that dwells
within poetry’s mouth
Music gives the transmitters a workout
which, once coaxed, no filters fit.
This song is an old misfortune.
I have spent my life trying
to stay out of my own way
I was caught by a tremor of strings
mingled with traffic
Work ethic notwithstanding
I ripen in your hands
the fruit of labor’s love.
What sieves through consciousness
dances in a borderless zone
between first and second natures
humbling the proclamations of State
I will not be your lamb tonight
who ladles the moon another broadcast
there are 3 sides to every coin
and who are angels to the eye transfixed
are alchemized and otherwise melted down to earth
where I first learned
Silence is my Mother Tongue
and Song my Second Language.
Edited byJim Dunn Kevin Gallagher