Regis Bonvicino

Régis Bonvicino has written twelve books of poetry, translated several works, and coedited an anthology of contemporary Brazilian poetry. His work combines an intense, sprung lyricism with an engagement with the artifice of poetic construction. His poems are filled with the imagery of nature, but also the dystopia of urban spaces, especially São Paulo, where he lives. Among his many publications are Até agora (Until Now), a volume of collected poems; Atz’Página órfã; Ossos de borboleta; 33 poemas; Más companhias; Remorso do cosmos; Primeiro tempo; Num zoológico de letras, a children’s book; and Entre (Between), which includes illustrations by Susan Bee. English translations of Bonvicino’s work by many hands, from Michael Palmer to Robert Creeley, are collected in Sky Eclipse, published by Green Integer in 2000. Bonvicino has edited and translated Oliverio Girondo’s work and books by Jules Laforgue, Robert Creeley, Charles Bernstein, Michael Palmer, Douglas Messerli, and the Chinese poets Bei Dao and Yao Feng. He also edited the correspondence of Brazilian poet and novelist Paulo Leminski and is especially engaged with the work of the Brazilian poets Oswald de Andrade, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Murilo Mendes, Decio Pignatari, and João Cabral de Melo Neto. Bonvicino is director, along with Charles Bernstein and Odile Cisneros, of Sibila journal and has author pages at and PennSound.