Eleanor Ivory Weber

Nor Ivory Weber is a writer who works in the intersections of contemporary visual arts, performance, and conceptual poetry. In 2017–19 she was artistic researcher at a.pass (Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies), Brussels, where she began working with sound poet Marcus Bergner. Her work “Every Sentence Containing the Word ‘Orality’ in Ong, W. J., 1982, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Reprint 2002. New York, NY: Routledge” (2017) was published in Into the Pores of the Brains (Bâtard Festival, Brussels), and performed in Marseille and Brussels. In 2016 she produced her first solo exhibition, No Private Problems, at M.I/mi1glissé, Berlin, and the related performance-lecture “Seeing Her Voices: Rehearsing Alejandra Pizarnik” for Repetition/s Performance Philosophy, Ljubljana. Since 2018, she has been codirector of Divided Publishing and has taught art history and theory at Erg (École de Recherche Graphique — École Supérieure des Arts), Brussels. Weber’s writers’ residency at Firstdraft, Sydney (2019–20), will result in a digital publication of her ongoing project, Sub Text Labour.


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