from World on Fire in Girly Man (University of Chicago Press, 2006)
"In a Restless World Like This Is" first appeared in World on Fire, which was published in Vancouver by Peter and Meredith Quatermain's Nomados in 2004, 24pp, with a cover image by Suan Bee. Meredith Quatermain's and Ron Silliman's responses to the book are at the EPC.
Today is the worldwide reading of the works of Salman Rushdie, sponsored by the Berlin Literary Festival. Watch Pierre Joris talk about the attack on Rushdie, with my introduction. Joris's essay was published this month in the Brooklyn Rail.We both then read from The Satanic Verses -- listen to the audio linked below.
My (v)ideo talk on poetry and audiobooks for a conference in Sweden: DLK (Den Lyssnande Kritiken: full series), Sept. 17, 2022. Thanks to Jesper Olsson.