Commentaries - December 2014

Dean Drummond's Café Buffé, libretto by Charles Bernstein: sound recording and libretto now available

a microtonal opera scored for the instruments of Harry Partch and Dean Drummond

Drummond on the set for Daphne of the Dunes by Harry Partch, playing a harmonic canon, La Mama Experimental Theater, 1994. Hat by Alice Farley. Photo by Jeffrey Starin.

Sound file of live performance (52:29): MP3
Libretto: summer stock (December 2014)

A note on two versions of Caroline Bergvall's 'Via'

The version of "Via" (subtitled "48 Dante Variations") that Caroline Bergvall published in Fig (Salt, 2005) consists of, in fact, 47 different translations of a single tercet from The Divine Comedy (Part 1, canto 1, lines 1-3). The version of the piece as it appeared in Chain (#10, Summer 2003; pp. 55-59) includes 48 translations. Bergvall published a prefatory statement in Fig that, in part, explains the difference (pp. 64-65). Those pages appear below. For a larger view, click on the image.

Rae Armantrout: Four new poems


                                                                                  for Ish Klein




We grade stories

and we reconcile accounts.


By night we binge

on The Walking Dead. 

Controlling Interests: 35th anniversary ebook edition

In late 1979, James Sherry decided to end the run of ROOF magazine and begin ROOF books. Controlling Interests was the first title of the press, which continues on, active as ever. Our first problem was funding –– I remember writing letters to everyone I could think of -- relatives and old friends but not fellow poets -- and realizing the fundraising was not my forté. One way or another, we cobbled together the money for the typesetting, which was done be Skeezo (Barbara Barg, Joel Chassler) and for the offset printing. I remember one day James and I going into a print shop in Chelsea to look through the PMS color chart to decide on the color of the type-only cover: a very dark blue (which we changed to turquoise for the second edition). Back cover: totally blank. James has kept the book in print these past 34 years and you can still get the print edition from SPD for $12 (I think the first edition sold for $4 or $5). 

But as of now you can get a digital copy too:

Amazon Kindle eb00k: $4