Commentaries - March 2014

Geomantic riposte: 'The New Long Poem Anthology'

The second edition of The New Long Poem Anthology (edited by acclaimed poet Sharon Thesen), a collection of longer works; sequential poems; extended poems; and serial, lengthy or longish poems, is an important resource and geomantic touchstone for aspiring writers and fans of #CanLit alike, and includes work by Anne Carson, Christopher Dewdney, Lisa Robertson, Jeff Derksen, Don McKay, Erin Mouré, Patrick Friesen, Steve McCaffery, George Bowering, Dionne Brand, Louis Dudek, Diana Hartog, Robert Kroetsch, Daphne Marlatt, David McFadden, Barry McKinnon, bpNichol, Michael Ondaatje, Lola Lemire Tostevin, Fred Wah, Phyllis Webb, Robin Blaser, and Yolande Villemaire.

Jerome Rothenberg: Ezra Pound, Wai-lim Yip, & Chinese poetry in America (A tribute)

[NOTE.  For nearly forty years now Wai-lim Yip, a major Chinese poet-scholar, has been our (almost) neighbor & close friend in southern California.  His reputation in the United States has mostly focused on his critical writings on Ezra Pound (Pound’s Cathay & other seminal works) & on his Chinese Poetry: Major Modes and Genres, which greatly expands & clarifies the Pound & Fennolosa approach to “the Chinese character as a medium for poetry.”  What these English works mask however is the extent of his prolific & influential writin

Robert Kelly and Bruce McPherson on Thomas McEvilley

photo of Thomas McEvilley by Joyce Burstein

Bruce McPherson read Robert Kelly's tribute to Thomas McEvilley, along with his own, at The Arimaspia launch and McEvilley celebration at the Poetry Project last week. My preface to The Arimaspia was published in Hyperallergic.

Bruce Andrews' 25-hour twitter project

I'm pleased to pass along information about Bruce Andrews's 25-hour twitter project, April 1, 2014.

Bruce Andrews// 25 Hour Twitter sculpture & performance
Curated by Maria Chavez

On April 1st, 2014, Bruce Andrews and Maria Chavez will collaborate on a 25 hour performance piece on the social media platform, Twitter.

'LunaLuna' on poetry hotlines

'LunaLuna' post on 3/3/2014 about the dial-a-poem service provided by the Kelly Writers House [permalink:]

“Years ago," writes Alyssa Morhardt-Goldstein at LunaLuna on March 3, 2014, "when I would get overwhelmed, I used to call the Kelly Writers House and listen to a poem wherever I happened to be. They feature poets who have read for them, as well as their own faculty and students (the latter at a different extension)." The number is 215-746-POEM (215-746-7636).  She also provides information for two other dial-a-poem services.