Bill — a document sealed — as in a sign or small picture — to lend authority, credence — to
make official what are — rights — ruled — what is proper fair and fitting — what was heretofore implied or inspired — to enumerate, ratify — to make real — to make the abstract concrete —
I will not begin at this late day by doing what my soul abhors; sugaring men … with flattery to retain them as escorts or to gratify a revenge. — Ida B. Wells, May 4, 1884
Try, in your fatalistic dim, to remember: not every doll interrogates every inch of hell’s rosy air. Try to see through your own relentless queering of the heavy jalousie: to proceed unpremeditatedly begs penance only occasionally. Know you don’t need anything to get you going. Know you need a distraction from your doing. He says you can’t cure your depression by laughing at it. I say you’re telling me, lipstick on ever-visible teeth.