Jerome Rothenberg

Poems and poetics

Sean McCann and Charlie Morrow (eds.)

'The 12th Annual International Sound Poetry Festival' (1980) 4x cassette and book

After years of preparation, Recital is proud to present The 12th Annual International Sound Poetry Festival box set. Held in New York in 1980, this was the last festival of the pioneering sound poetry series started in Stockholm in the 1960s. This ambitious document holds nearly five hours of audio from thirty artists. A 240-page book with biographies, texts, and artwork from each artist supplements the edition, including program notes by Charlie Morrow and Sean McCann.

Leonard Neufeld

from 'Off the Grid': Fifteen Elegies, with author’s note




Anthony Seidman

Three poems from 'That Beast in the Mirror' (2022)

Photo of Anthony Seidman by Jim Cardenas.
Photo of Anthony Seidman by Jim Cardenas.

Anthony Seidman is a poet translator from Los Angeles. His full-length translations include such classics of Mexican border literature as Smooth-Talking Dog (Deep Vellum) by Roberto Castillo Udiarte and A Stab in the Dark (LARB Classics) by Facundo Bernal. 

Poem at 100 M.P.H


When the engine growls,

when lane markers shoot

laser-white, and desert blurs

over windshield, dust,

cacti, sagebrush torched by

decades of drought, and the

mountains are waves that

Scott Ezell

from 'Journey to the End of the Empire: On the Road in Eastern Tibet,' with author's note

Camphor Press, 2022

From 'A Book of Americas' (in progress)

The collective Amereida poem, translated by Javier Taboada, with commentaries attached

From the first “travesía,” voyage, made in 1965
From the first “travesía,” voyage, made in 1965

Various authors



the journey reaches its height

as the eyes


its traveled soil

wouldn’t it reveal in the flesh

a rhythm

to start off a language?