Invision your video sources

I’ve been using It’s in beta testing still, but works better than just well enough for my purposes. One of these web 2.0 applications, invision allows you to organize all your web video clips — searching across the usual sources (YouTube, myspace, hulu, CNN, etc.) and also indexing many video source sites you’ve never heard of. As I write this I’m watching a report on a weekly Arabic poetry TV show. I’d typed “poetry” in the invision search box and of course got a bunch of crap in addition to a half dozen web video clips and stories and profiles (and excerpts from poetry readings) that I wanted to watch.

Now the Arabic poetry show is done and I’m watching a clip from a Charlie Rose episode about poetry and next up is a YouTube random selection called “Bjork’s Pagan Poetry.” I have doubts about that one.

Commoner use for this: get up in the morning and type in “presidential debate” and you’ll get video excerpts and analysis — far beyond YouTube.

Here’s your link to Go there and customize, picking your “interests” and your preferred “channels.”